The letter is opened

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On top of Mount Olympus, inside a great big palace, a lonely goddess sat on a simple chair. The goddess of marriage, who had received more infidelity that one would be able to count, who had been forced to marry her husband, watched as her champion/grandson journeyed across the continent, in search of his mother.

Hera had known since the first week she met him. His mannerism, his powers to control animals, how he was always faster in the woods and at night, she had to be blind to not see it.

It was a big shock nonetheless. The maiden goddess Artemis had conceived a child, out of wedlock from what she could tell. After all, she had never received any notification of a marriage between the goddess of the hunt and a man.

The queen of Olympus had an idea of who the father of Hector was. Upon seeing him from the first time, the resemblance of the child, her, and another fellow Olympian was uncanny. She knew there was only one reason as to how this had happened: her eldest child.

Perseus was taken away from her and Poseidon when he was just a baby. After that, she had been forced to marry Zeus, and Poseidon had been forced to marry Ampheite. It broke both of their hearts, as neither of them fully recovered from it. Even as they never recovered, as time passed by, the love they both shared started to disappear into simply just a memory.

With Zeus' rule, Perseus' banishment, and the constant infidelity made the Queen of Olympus very bitter. Her happiness became a thing of the past, not even present in the history books. Just like her son, her happiness had turned inexistent and unimportant under the eyes of the council. As the days passed, Hera became even more bitter than the day before.

She terrorized the lives of Zeus bastard offsprings. From demigods such as Heracles to future Olympian council members, such as the twin archers, Hera let her rage take over her. She didn't care if the children had not done anything, simply the fact of their existence was sin enough.

In the end, that's what made Hector even more of a rarer discovery. Two of the main reasons for her bitterness had created something she would love. Her lost child and a bastard child of her husband, creating the life of her grandson.

From the moment she laid her eyes on him she knew. She knew that the child was someone special, who would become an essential part of her emotional well-being. The way his face was modeled, how he was keen to the tides, and the little control over time he had just re-enforced what Hera knew: Hector Carib Troy was the son of Perseus.

However, her hypothesis was proven correct when she saw her grandson in his quest, alongside his father. Perseus had grown a lot since the last time she saw him. The little baby that had been banished from Olympus due to his power was now helping Olympus, full-grown into a good-looking man.

After having received confirmation of Hector's family, the goddess of marriage knew what she had to do.

Traveling deep into the ocean, Hera stood behind big palace doors that separated the palace of Atlantis and the underground city.

"Halt! Who goes there?" A guard asked, pointing a spear at the Queen of Olympus

Hera looked into the eyes of the guard, "Tell Poseidon that Hera wants to talk to him. It is a private and important matter"

The guard stiffened at the name of the woman, bowing respectfully and quickly swimming towards the palace.

Some three minutes later, the same guard swam back to where the Queen of Olympus stood to wait for her response.

"Queen Hera, allow me to escort you to the inside of the palace"

Hera swam right behind the guard, looking to her side and acknowledging the beautiful architecture the Atlantis palace had. Despite having some towers that looked awfully lot to a male reproductive organ, the palace stood majestically tall, with the water crystal clear surrounding it, despite being at the bottom of the ocean.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now