Couple of years down the road

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One of the hardest things in the world is getting over the death of a child. Especially for mothers, this task is not made to be done in their lifetime. It is the law of nature that a mother will die before her baby, that her baby will have other babies and then the mother could die. When this order is disturbed, the mother is left with a hole in her heart. It does not matter if the mother is an inmortal, the death of a child always hits hard. 

This was especially true for Artemis, who had just lost her first child forever. Her son, faded from existence, not even to be reborn. And all because he decided to sacrifice himself for his family. A family that had abandoned him, yet he didn't mind. He would be gone forever just so everyone else could live. 

That was what hurt Artemis the most. Her son had died for her despite how little presence she had in his life. She knew that spending more time with him in the past would've not made a difference in his death, but at least she would've had better memories of him. At least one time in which he was laughing or just being happy with her. 

The goddess of the hunt decided to not make the same mistake she did with Hector with her next baby. This baby would be raised by both her and Percy. Wherever it was, she would not forgive herself if her second child had to pass though the hardships that Hector went through. This child would have a happy life, at least as happy as she and Percy could provide. 

Percy and Artemis were on a silent agreement to live in Northern Idaho for a while. The extent of their stay was never formally discussed, but they both knew that it would be a long time. Artemis would not have her residence up on Olympus for another year, and being in the middle of nowhere actually served the both of them as a therapy, especially for Artemis, who hated being surrounded by a lot of people. Since it was she who was pregnant, Percy took it upon himself to do everything in his power to make his wife happy. 

It had proven to be a difficult task. Between the death of Hector and her raging hormones, Percy had found that making Artemis happy was near impossible. He tried to cook her favorite meal, but one second she liked it and the next second she was throwing it all up. If he made a joke, Artemis would end up crying because he had offended her. It didn't matter if it was a simple knock knock joke, the goddess of the hunt was too sentimental to engage in such banter. It was much worse than her first pregnancy actually, like her hormones had increased tenfold. 

Winter came by just as Artemis approached her second trimester. Her pregnant belly had begin to grow significantly, and her laziness had nearly tripled. The goddess of the hunt did not want to hunt. In fact, she didn't want to get out of the couch for anything. She took very few showers, only doing so when Percy tricked her into taking one. 

With winter came the winter solstice, the mandatory meeting for all Olympians. Due to its status of mandatory, Artemis was required to go. But the goddess didn't want to. 

"Artemis, you have to go to the meeting" Percy said as he gave her the fifth cup of yogurt of the hour. 

"I'm not going to a stupid meeting. I want to stay here" Artemis stuffed her face

"Arty, it's a mandatory meeting. It'll just be a few hours and then you can come back."

"Percy, I already told you. I'm not going even if Zeus himself comes here and drags me there. "

Percy sighed. "Ok Arty, listen to me. If you don't go, then the Olympians will think that something happened to you and they will begin to search for you and, eventually, they'll find us here and begin to bother us. Is that what you want?"

Artemis snorted. "You think they will look for me just because I don't go to one meeting? Seriously Percy, get your head out of your ass"

"Last time you went missing there was a quest issued."

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