Mother conversation

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It is not common for someone to be an orphan, less to be a double orphan. In reality, Hector was not a double orphan, but the abandonment by his parents was basically the same thing as if they weren't in this world. Being a double orphan had a certain effect on the young boy, as he became less happy overall. He was still very funny in his own ways, but instead of being a happy go-luck child, the boy used humor as a defense mechanism to keep people at a distance.

It also had the effect of him feeling abandonment very easily, as what happened with his friend Annabeth Chase. As soon as she found another friend, the young camper thought it was the end of their friendship and made the radical decision to run away from camp.

Hector felt very connected to certain people but mostly kept his distance from the rest. Even as much as Hera tried to make him look at her as family, the young boy continued to treat her as her boss. She tried to make him call her Hera or Nana, but the boy insisted on calling her Milady or other titles.

However, Hector found himself talking to Artemis with great familiarity despite the "man-hating" reputation she upheld. As he entered her tent, the sight of dozens of animal pelts amazed the fourteen-year-old. A great number of them he could only identify thanks to the classes Chiron had given him. Still, he felt amazed at the beauty of the tent, but even more amazed by how comfortable he felt in such proximity with the goddess, even at her angry state.

"Sit down Hector" The goddess of the hunt commanded.

The brownish haired boy obliged, sitting down directly in front of the goddess. She stayed studying him, from his expression to the color of his eyes, there was not a single detail which passed unnoticed.

"I am here to ask you several questions, which you will have to answer in complete sentences and explain yourself fully. If you lie I will know, although I can't tell you how I will know. Are you ready to start?" Artemis said once she had breathed

Hector nodded his head, "yes Artemis, I am ready for your questions"

Artemis slightly smiled, "perfect. Now first, where did you sent the demigods?"

"I do not know where they are currently at. However, I do know that my boss has taken them to safety. I believe, although I may be wrong, that she has brought them to their parent in order to fully train them for the war. I could be wrong, so please don't take the last part as true. The rest is what happened" Hector explained where he bought the demigods

"Who is your boss? Is she an ally or an enemy?" Artemis asked forcefully

"I am not permitted to telling anyone her name. I can tell you that, although she was once an enemy of the King of Olympus, her loyalty is not to be questioned. She is on your side in this conflict, and by extension so am I"

"If she was an enemy, would you also be an enemy?"

"In all honestly Artemis, I think I would be an enemy. I have done many incredible feats during my life, yet I have not been claimed. I am not the only demigod that has been forgotten by its parent, and it's time the gods learn their lesson. I know that the bad guy is really bad, but for demigods like me, things couldn't get worse, so we would rather fight for change." Hector replied honestly, making eye contact with the goddess

"Maybe you haven't been claimed in order to protect you," Artemis said, trying to make her son know of the very real possibility

"Even if he or she wanted to protect me, I still lacked the knowledge of who it is. No dreams, no visits, not even a sign. The only gods I've talked to face to face have been my boss, Dionysus cause of the whole punishment thing, and you. But my parent has never even tried to make contact with me. It just sucks honestly. And I know that after we're finished fighting for Olympus, you are all going to keep doing the same things you do and we will continue to be screwed over. No offense"

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