Fresh meat

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"Annabeth! Wait up!" Hector called as his friend entered the big house. He followed soon after, only to catch the blonde mob of hair moving towards the infirmary. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see him. He woke up for like a minute two days ago, but he fell back unconscious. Anyways, I actually need to nurse him" Annabeth said pointing at a black haired boy.

"Who is he?" Hector asked. The kid didn't seem familiar at all, nor did he look like any demigods at camp.

"His name is Alexander Pond. He killed the Minotaur on his way here" a voice said from behind the two friends. When they turned around, they came face to face with Grover the satyr. He wasn't a friend per se of Hector, but he was quite familiar with him and could fairly hold a conversation. He was also the only person, besides Chiron, who actually believed him when he said that he talked to Artemis.

"The Minotaur?" Hector asked

"Yeah, and he seems so strong too. Like imagine if you had no training and had to fend for yourself against the freaking Minotaur! There's no doubt that his godly parent is someone really powerful" Annabeth said, earning a jealous look from Hector

"Just marry him already" Hector said with an edge

"Wo, someone's jelly" Grover laughed

"I'm not jealous. I'm completely normal"

"Yeah sure, try to convince yourself that" Grover told "anyways, I gotta go grab something. Be right back"

As the half goat boy left, the new demigod began to stir. Annabeth quickly went to his side, with Hectors face earning a red tint. Alexander the newcomer opened his eyes, the image of the pretty Annabeth being the first thing he saw.

"You drool when you sleep" Annabeth said. Hector couldn't believe what he was seeing, and in an act of impulse, he stomped out of the big house and into the archery range.

Ever since he was three years old, the old centaur had taught Hector how to wield a bow. Much to his surprise, the little kid had a natural ability to archery, so much that if Apollo hadn't handwritten the letter when they first found him, Chiron would've thought that the god of archery was the father of the little boy.

Scott and Heather has been great "parents" to Hector up until their death when he was six year old. The moment he heard the news, the little light-green-eyed boy ran towards the archery range and stayed there launching his arrows. People came and went, everyone trying to get the boy out of the range and just to eat a little. He resisted, continuing to shoot arrows at the bullseye of the target.

It wasn't until he was shot by a sedative that Hector finally left the archery range. Still, every time the boy had a bad day or was feeling angry, he went to the archery range and canalized his feelings in such a way that nobody would end up hurt.

"Hey Hector, what got you mad now?" Lee Fletcher, a friend and cabin mate of the boy asked

"Nothing" Hector decided to lie

"Yeah right. Where's Annabeth? She usually knows what got you in a bad mood"

At Hector's frown, Lee already knew what the problem was.

"She found another friend?" Lee grinned

"You could say that"

"Are you going to be this way anytime a new demigod arrives?"

"Perhaps" Hector shrugged

"You do know that she's searching for the prophecy child right? I mean, you were the one that told me that she heard the prophecy two years ago, and ever since then she's been talking to every fresh meat to try and befriend the hero of the prophecy" Lee explained

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