Secret Agent Argos

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The goddess of the hunt had been unbearable for the past three years. Many beings from all around the Greek world tried to decipher what had made such goddess even angrier, more in an edge than before. Popular theories ranged from the death of a hunter (something which hadn't happened) and that she was in a very long ovulation period, making her PMS last years.

In reality, there were only two reasons why Artemis was in such a horrible mood.

Three years ago, she had gotten in a fight with her husband, Perseus. The couple reconciled, but nothing was ever the same. Artemis doubted her husband, not necessarily infidelity, but in all other aspects. After all, he had been doing very dangerous things without her knowledge and hanging out with one of her Olympian enemies for long periods of time.

Perseus had sworn on the Styx that he would never be unfaithful, and in reality, the goddess of the moon completely believed him. But her trust in him was shattered. As a married couple, she thought they wouldn't have any secrets between each other. She did her part and told him everything that happened in her life, but he couldn't be a good husband and tell her that he was hanging out and helping her nemesis.

She had been very dissatisfied and disappointed in her husband way of life. Ever since he was able to get out of her palace, the god of tides had been very distant from her. They spent time together, sure, but between her duty with her hunters and him changing jobs and location every now and then, Artemis never found any stability with her husband.

When their child was born, Artemis expected for Perseus to be more present in the baby's life, even if he couldn't be there physically. At first, it looked as if Percy was going to do everything possible to look after Hector, their child. However, as time passed by, Artemis noticed that her husband knew nothing of how Hector had been doing. He didn't know that he had mastered the sword and the bow, he didn't know how sad he was when the two demigods that raised him died, and he didn't know when he went missing.

That was the second reason why Artemis had been so unbearable the past years. Two years ago, the day Poseidon's kid was claimed, her son Hector had run away from camp. She noticed the next day and soon asked Apollo to ask Chiron what had happened (to not create suspicion). When the news of Hector's animal and time power arrived at Artemis ears, the silver goddess immediately knew that a great number of monsters would be searching for her child.

The goddess searched for the lost camper without any rest, not telling the hunters what their target was. In the meantime, they killed any monster that dared cross their path. From hellhounds to hydras, to even some werewolves, the hunters of Artemis took no pity on any monster.

After two years of searching, the goddess had started to lessen the search intensity. She still tried to communicate with Hector through his dreams, but to no avail. He little boy was lost in history, only a name that would be remembered.

Worst of all was the fact that Perseus didn't seem concerned at all. Artemis was furious at him. First he didn't know their child was missing, and then he didn't care. This attitude made a rupture in their relationship, which would maybe be healed when she found her son.

Not so far from the hunters, inside a big castle-like school, one boy searched for two demigods.

"What do they look like, Milady?" The boy asked at a mini walkie-talkie, in a much more mature voice than he had a couple of years before

"They are twelve and ten, both with black hair. Remember that they know nothing of our world, so be careful when you retrieve them, we don't want them to ally themselves with the enemy" a woman replied

"Understood Milady"

"Be careful out there Argos" the woman said with concern

"I mean no disrespect, Milady, but why do you insist on not calling me by my name?" The boy asked

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now