Dreaming at night

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Hector walked through Camp Half-Blood, oblivious to the look every camper sent him. A combination of shock, betrayal, and fear marked the campers, as the boy who had run away returned to his once home. Nobody knew why Hector had run away, but after many campers followed suit, some people thought that he had joined the Titan army. Others thought that the depression of not knowing who his parent was made him kill himself out of camp borders.

In the end, all hypothesis were wrong, as the light-green-eyed boy walked through camp, making his way into the Big House. Hector sighed before entering the big house, dreading the moment he decided to come again to Camp Half-Blood. When he entered, he was greeted with the same Big House which he had left, perfect to the last detail. Remembering his way around the house, the boy walked inside Chiron's office, interrupting a meeting between the centaur, the son of Poseidon and the daughter of Zeus.

"And where's Annabeth?" Chiron asked.

Hector's heart pounded harder at the sound of her name. No matter how much time passed, he would still be ultimately in love with the daughter of Athena. Unfortunately, this may have been only a one-sided love, as Annabeth seemed very lovey-dovey with Alex.

The demigods did not answer, leaving Chiron to speculate an answer for himself.

"Oh, well, another brat gone. Better for everyone" Mr. D, who was sitting behind Chiron, said. His voice showed no remorse or care about the events that had transpired, they were simply things that had happened.

"We need to go find her" Alex declared

"No. As much as I'd love to see you go to your inevitable doom, we can't allow any more campers to get away" Mr. D replied, shutting down any hope the demigods might've had of saving their friend

"You just don't care about any of the campers! You'd gladly see us all die!" Alex yelled.

The god of wine turned red in rage. He got up of his chair, his nostrils flared with hot anger. But before he could yell at the son of Poseidon, Hector entered the small room and bowed to his mentor and the god.

"Hello Chiron, Lord Dionysus, it has been a long time since I've seen the both of you" Hector said respectfully

"Hector, my child, how have you been?" Chiron asked as he gave a hug to the child he once thought of as something close to a son

"Back from betraying the gods are you Hiram?"

"I never betrayed the camp Lord Dionysus. And my name is Hector, not Hiram" the boy replied, "I have been doing well Chiron. I will tell you all about it in private"

Chiron nodded his head and shooed the demigods our of the room. They reluctantly exited, not before sending hateful glares at the auburn-brownish haired boy.

"Lord Dionysus, could you please leave us to talk for a few minutes?"

"Fine, but I'm only doing this because I don't care" Dionysus exited the room, closing the door behind him and leaving the centaur and the 14-year-old alone.

"Before anything, I must apologize Chiron. I have no idea how I stopped you from moving that last time, and I swear it wasn't my intention. I am sorry for anything that I may have done to you" Hector said bowing his head in shame

"Hector, look at me" Chiron said, making the boy bring his head up "you don't have to apologize for your abilities. But you should know that I would've been there for you, there was no need to run away so suddenly. Many people thought you had betrayed us when you left, and some might still believe it. So, in order to end any bad talk, may you tell me why you went away and where have you been?"

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