Twins know best

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Artemis cried more than a child who has just lost his mother. Every time she thought she was done crying, the image of Perseus rejecting her just came back to life. It replayed on her mind like crazy, as if it was the only thing that she remembered.

After an hour or so, Artemis calmed down and stopped hugging her pillow. She got up her bed and into her bathroom, drying her eyes and washing her face. When she was finished, it was almost unnoticeable that the goddess of the hunt had been crying for so long. But it wasn't totally unnoticeable. For the experienced eye or someone very close to the goddess, the crying clues were as clear as day light.

When Artemis flashed to the outside of her palace, she oddly met with Apollo.

"Oh sh- you startled me Artemis. Wait, were you crying?" He asked after jumping back in surprise at the sudden appearance of his twin

"Apollo, can we talk in private?" Artemis asked in a hushed tone

"Of course, lets go inside your palace"

Artemis shook her head "no, my hunters are staying in there. Could we talk in yours?"

"Sure, lets go" Apollo said, walking towards his palace.

Due to the way Olympus was planned out, the twin palaces were not far apart from each other. That meant that the gods arrived at the others palace in less than ten minutes.

Apollo's palace was very bright and golden, almost as if he wanted to compensate for something. It was very big and luxurious, seemingly as if he had just won some type of big money and wanted to assert his dominance at Olympus. Compared to Artemis palace, his was a little too extravagant. The goddess palace was a simple silver color and not as luxurious. It had much outdoor spaces, but still lacked the cockiness her twins palace contained.

"Before you come in, let me just warn you that I haven't cleaned up in a while" Apollo said before opening his door.

To describe the inside of Apollo's palace as messy would be lying and deceiving Olympus health department. So much trash was thrown on the floor, pieces of uneaten apples were rotting on the floor, and worse of all, many erotic magazines and tissues laid all over the floor.

"This is the most disgusting room I have ever seen in my life" Artemis said bringing her hands to her mouth, trying not to puke at the smell the room had.

"Yeah sorry, I haven't cleaned up since Wednesday"

"And today is..."

"Friday. What's your point?"

Artemis had to go outside to catch her breath before entering once again at the dump that was her brothers palace.

"Do you have a room that is less dirty?"

"Yeah, my patients room. Gosh would you imagine the amount of lawsuits that would follow if my patients had to be treated in a place like this? Thousands!"

"Ok whatever Apollo, lets just go there and chat" Apollo put a hand on Artemis shoulder and flashed the two of them to the medical room. The air smelled clean, no perfume could be detected. As cold as the room was, Artemis did not feel any change in temperature due to her godly powers.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Apollo asked, sitting down on his chair

"How do you deal with heartbreak?" Artemis asked her twin in a hushed tone

Apollo's eyes widened before replying "it just goes away with time. Why? What happened?"

Artemis explained everything, from her playing Wii with Percy all the way to the part where she actually proposed marrying him. No detail was spared, and needless to say that the sun god was very surprised at the great amount of information he had just been given. His twin was not a woman who would just ask anybody to marry her. On the contrary, if she could disband marriage as a whole, there was no doubt that she would.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now