Don't oversleep

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Olympus, due to the many years which it has existed, contained many secrets. All the gods had hidden rivalries, occurrences and sometimes even hidden romance. But still, there was one secret that was greater than all others, the secret that Aphrodite had just discovered.

This secret was so great because it contained two main and very important issues. First of all, the maiden goddess Artemis had turned out to not be so much a maiden. She had sired a child, a male, and with a god nonetheless, which brought up the second issue.

Perseus, son of Poseidon and Hera, was the first god to be born out of two gods and also the first god to be exiled from Olympus. Even though this was done due to Zeus paranoia, it did not change at all the fact that the god was still living illegally in America. He was supposed to be imprisoned in his island for all eternity, yet thanks to the fates, the god of time had managed to escape his imprisonment.

These two issues combined made for a very dangerous situation. The offspring of both gods would be undoubtedly powerful, but the symbolism of his existence posed much more of a threat than the actual teen.

When Aphrodite figured out the secret, Perseus could only stare at the goddess of love. His mind was unable to form coherent sentences, drifting from ways to escape the situation to the possible effects the discovery may have on the life of his family.

"You weren't going to tell me ever, were you?" Aphrodite said angrily.

Perseus, not trusting his mouth, simply nodded and bowed his head down in shame.

"Dammit Percy! This is the biggest event since we changed to Roman aspects, and you didn't tell me about it!" Aphrodite yelled

"I'm sorry, but I had promised that I wouldn't tell anybody. If somebody found out, Carib, Artemis and I would be in danger. So I plead before you, please Aphrodite, don't tell this to anybody. I'm asking you as a friend, un amigo, un ami, un amico, enas filos, a chingu..." Perseus pleaded, rubbing his hands together as if he were in a prayer

"Stop saying friends in different languages! I get your point, and I love the way you want to protect your family. But you must also understand Perseus, being an Olympian gives me the responsibility and duty report any abnormality I find, especially in times of war such as this" Aphrodite said seriously, but her eyes projecting great sorrow. Deep down, the goddess of love truly loved the god of tides, she loved him as one would a brother. He was the male friend she wished she had since ancient times.

Perseus fell to his knees, obtaining the wide eyes of the love goddess. "Please Aphrodite, I'll do anything, just please don't tell anybody of Carib. You can tell of my existence, the king of Olympus can kill me, but please, I beg you, don't hurt my son" tears fell from his eyes.

Aphrodite looked at the shaking figure in front of her, and pushing her lips together, touched Perseus' shoulder.

"Fine, I won't tell anybody. Instead, I need you to answer me two things" Aphrodite said

Perseus stood up and hugged the love goddess, muttering tons of 'thank you's' in the ear of Aphrodite

"Sit down Percy. I know you're childish, but I need you to be serious for a moment" Aphrodite said glaring at the god

"I'm sorry, what were you going to ask me?"

"How did you get Artemis to sleep with you?" Aphrodite asked excitedly

Perseus grinned, "I guess I'm just too sexy for even a maiden goddess to resist"

"I told you to start being serious. Answer me or I'll tell the council everything" Aphrodite threatened

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now