The solo lifestyle

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Percy could not conceive how it was that Artemis was standing right in front of him. It hadn't been even fifteen minutes since he saw her sailing away, but now she stood smiling in front of him. Logically, there was only one explanation: Artemis was now stuck on the island forever with him.

At first, he felt happy. No longer would he have to live in solitude forever, spending every day in the swimming pool or playing video games. He could finally have somebody to share stories with, to eat with, but most importantly, somebody who could hear his problems. He wasn't thinking about anything romantic at the time, even if he did find the goddess attractive.

But then the implications of the situation dawned upon him. If Artemis couldn't leave this god-forsaken island, there was no way he could ever escape. Not only that but now his boat was gone, so he could no longer try to escape via a water route.

"How can you be here? You just left the island" Percy asked Artemis, who was smiling in front of him.

Artemis' smile turned into a frown at Percy's comment.

"No I didn't Percy, it's been twenty years since I left"

Percy stayed flabbergasted at his friend, not conceiving how time could move at such a different pace in both places. If only five minutes (or less) had passed in the island but twenty years had passed in the outside world, then how exactly was time functioning. How was it that time passed so fast in the outside world?

"Weird. Anyways, I'm really happy you're here! Maybe we could play WiiSports!!" Percy said after failing to figure out how time passed so differently.

"What's WiiSports?" Artemis asked Percy.

He grinned and grabbed Artemis by her left wrist, pulling her with him. "You'll see" he simply said

It was unlike Artemis to let a man touch her, much less grab her wrist, but something about Percy made her feel so much relaxed. Thinking of him during the last twenty years had been the only thing that kept her from falling into the deep depression that was caused by the lack of domains she had. In just 200 years, mortals had managed to make her basically obsolete, to assimilate the moon with cruel beings, and even to marry at a very young age, making the number of maidens fall.

Olympians were supposed to be the most powerful gods in all of the Greek Pantheon, however, with the recent events, Artemis was beginning to be less and less powerful. She remembered when she could easily beat down Echidna. Recently, even bringing down a small pack of Hellhounds had required the help of her hunters.

Deep inside, Artemis knew that returning to the island would somehow solve her problems. Maybe it was because she would finally be forgotten by the mortals and she would get the sweet release of death, or maybe it was because being away from society would result in a cycle that would mean that mortals would start to believe in her domains once again. Whatever the reason, the goddess of the hunt had the drive to find the island without any exception.

She allowed herself to be dragged by the boy towards his home. The inside of the home had not changed at all in the twenty years she had been away, but then again, only a couple of minutes had passed on the island.

He dragged the goddess until she was standing in front of a large crystal board.

"What is this?" Artemis asked her friend as she examined the cristal board with great detail. She could see that some sort of cables seemed to be connected in the posterior part of the board. No matter how much she inspected it, the thing resembled nothing like she had seen before in her life, not even Hephaestus had such things in his palace.

"I conjured somehow. I call it the 'Pp-screen', meaning the Percy person screen" Artemis stared dumbfounded at her friend. His words entered one ear and left through the other.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now