The gain of a grandson

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Many gods can sense when someone has intruded their property. If there was a sight in which they resigned over, the moment someone stepped on it, they would be notified. It was kind of an alert system, but imbedded naturally in the Olympian beings.

The Queen of Olympus, to no surprise, wasn't an exception to this power. As soon as she felt one of her properties being intruded, Hera stopped stalking Zeus new love interest and flashed over to her Massachusetts house. Upon entering, the goddess of marriage noticed two beings with godly power standing in the entrance, debating.

"Move, we have to enter if you want to be safe" The older one told his young counterpart.

The young teenage one shook his head, "We must respect the gods properties. It is forbidden to enter without proper authorization"

"Carib, if we don't enter, the King of Gods will be able to see us and strike us. I know you don't want to offend anybody, but this is a matter of life and death" the older one tried to enter, but Carib just put his arm up, stopping the god from being able to enter.

"If we enter without permission, we might as well be dead" Carib said in a very serious tone

"Oh for gods sake..." the god said, but stopped as soon as he saw who was in front of him. When his eyes came in contact with the goddess of marriage, The god straightened himself and nodded to the goddess. Hector, on the other hand, got down on one knee, bowing his head and showing his respect towards the goddess in front of him.

"I see some of you have not forgotten your manners. How have you been Argos?" Hera asked with a kind smile

"I have been well, all due to your gracefulness as my lady and teacher during my development. I am deeply and eternally grateful, indebted to you for all eternity"

"You have come here seeking asylum, have you not?"

Héctor nodded his head slowly, "yes Milady. I truly apologize for coming here only in times of need, but these are desperate times. As you surely must know, my life is being threatened by your husband"

Hera pursued her lips, "yes, I know of your persecution. Very well, you may stay here as long as you need. Go to your room, it's in the same place of course. Also, I have changed your clothes, so you'll fit on the ones inside the closet. f you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask"

Hector bowed his head, "thank you Milady for your gratefulness. I will never forget how much you have helped me"

"Do not worry about it, go upstairs with your stuff. You may continue with your training soon, but for now let me speak in private with your father" Hera said staring right into the eyes of Perseus

Hector nodded, getting up from his kneeling position and walking up the stairs towards the second floor. The two gods saw how the teenager walked up the stairs with his back bent in tiredness.

The Queen of Olympus shifted her eyes to the god standing in front of her. This was the second time she had seen him as an adult, and needless to say, their encounters were not very familiar. It was ironic in a way, the goddess of family did not have the family she reigned over.

"Please take care of him" Perseus said without even looking at his mother. After the silhouette of Hector had vanished, the god of tides turned his eyes towards the goddess that stood in front of him. "I'll be taking my leave then"

"Wait" Hera said as the god of tides turned around. "At least drink something before you go" 

The voice on the Queen of Olympus sounded so desperate that Perseus could not believe that she was actually a goddess. It sounded so artificial, so unnatural coming out of her.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now