Punishment aftermath

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It had been more than a year ago when the Olympians had found out about the romance and marriage between their most important maiden goddess and the banished god.

Artemis sat alone in the middle of upstate New York woods, thinking about that night. That one meeting where all her secrets were spilled in front of everyone, and her life was officially ruined replayed in her mind. Sure, she had decided to tell every member of the council herself, but she didn't really have another choice. She had to lie about how she knew Percy, and then act as if she did not care whatever happened to him.

The punishment she had received was justifiable, but it did not mean she wasn't angry or sad about it. After all, she lost her hunt.

The moon goddess sat on a lonely log, the moments which would change her entire life playing on her mind.

"What do you mean you love him?!" Zeus had yelled once he got over the initial shock of the news

"I love him father. I have loved him for centuries now" Artemis replied confidently

"She did not tell us about her marriage with a banished god. That is treachery, father" Ares told

"That is true, and she hid the fact also" Zeus touched his face

"That is ridiculous father! I have never, nor will I ever betray Olympus!" Artemis yelled desperately

Athena turned to the anxious moon goddess, "didn't you say, not even ten minutes ago, that you would betray Olympus if the son of Poseidon was killed?"

"I only said that because I was mad, and my emotions took over my judgment" Artemis tried to defend herself

"But aren't you filled with anxiousness and different types of emotions right now?" Athena counterattacked

With nothing to reply, Artemis slumped on her throne, Athena earning a giant grin.

"Lord Zeus, I propose that Perseus is punished for taking the chastity of a maiden goddess, and Artemis is severely punished for marrying an enemy of Olympus and potentially plotting a coup"

"What?! I never planned a coup!" Artemis yelled in outrage

"Never said you did, it's all possibilities. We can't rule anything out since you married an enemy" Athena replied calmly

"Your proposal is taken into account Athena. What do you think we should do as punishment?" Zeus said confidently

"I believe that we should send Perseus to be a live practice for the hunt for three months. Then afterwards we can imprison him right here in Olympus. As for Artemis, I believe that the hunt should be given to another patron, and all her possessions must be given to the custody of Olympus for the time of three years" Athena suggested

"That's insane! How can the hunt be given to another god or goddess if the Hunt is one of Artemis domains?" Apollo intervened

"Then we shall disband it, and give Perseus another punishment" Athena shrugged her shoulders

"But if you disband the hunt, all the hunters will resume their aging process, and Thalia Grace would be the child of the prophecy" Hermes then analyzed

"We cannot allow Thalia Grace to be the child of the prophecy. However, we also cannot allow Artemis to continue on without any source of punishment. So, I believe that the hunters should be given another patron and have another name. I suggest that we give them to Athena, as she is the only maiden goddess who can train them as an asset for Olympus," Zeus declared

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