Chapter 2

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First year of high school. This year is going to be different, I will make friends and be more confident. I wore my usual, sweats with a hoodie, then I looked in the mirror.
I stared at myself for what seemed like an hour, looking all over from my back to my belly. I shake my head in disgust... why caint I look pretty, why am I so fat. You know what it's ok... it's ok right?

I found myself walking into the hallway of my high school. It was huge, I looked around in awe when I bumped into somebody. "I'm sorry" I muttered keeping my head down.
I heard a raspy laugh "watch where you're going fatty" I looked up finding myself face to face with Grayson.
" hey guys fatty katty is back" Grayson's friend Chase yelled out to the whole school.
Everyone crowded around me laughing, while I pulled on my hood closer around my head.
I promised myself I will be more confident so here goes nothing " you shouldn't be mean to people and I'm not that fat anyways" I said quietly hoping I was convincing. To be honest I don't know how I got the courage to do that but now I'm a little worried on what he'll do next.That was my first time talking back to Grayson so he was a little taken back.
He blinked a couple of times while the hallways stayed quiet, you could hear a pin drop. He suddenly became angry and gave out a harsh laugh. " I'm not being mean I'm being honest" he shoved me harshly, making me fall on the ground. " you look like a fucking pig, you should cut back you know" he smirks while everyone bursts into laughter.
I was on the ground holding back tears when I felt a pain on my thigh, he kicked me. " and don't ever talk back to me" with that he left, so did everyone else.
I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder " come on let's get you cleaned up" I looked up to see a boy with brown hair and blond highlights, freckles, and 2 ear piercings looking down at me and a girl next to him with beautiful dark skin, long curly hair, and glasses, holding her hand out for me to take.
" I'm Jason by the way and this is jazzy" he nodded his head towards the girl next to him.
I took her hand and got up wiping my tears.
" thanks, I'm kaitlynn"

* End of flashback*


I pulled up to the long driveway of my school and parked not far from the main entrance. I gathered my stuff getting ready to open the car door when someone pounced on my window scaring me.
I jumped with my hand on my chest looking up to see Jason laughing his ass off.
I opened the door rolling my eyes and hitting him lightly on his shoulder "seriously, not cool" I laughed hugging my best friend
"Omg girl it's been so long" he hugged me tight not letting go, he looks at me up and down with a sparkle in his eyes. " wow you look amazing, love the outfit" I smiled while we walked up to the school and into the hallway.
" I caint Beleive we haven't seen each other the whole summer, how was Australia" he asked while opening his locker door.
" Australia was fun, it was really relaxing. And we FaceTimed the whole summer"
" ya but it's not the same" he pulled out his books to put in his backpack. "Anyways your lucky, you probably talked to a whole bunch of hot surfer boys"
"Stawwwppp" I punched his arms giggling.

I looked around to see almost everybody starring at me. I nudged Jason a little and he looked up at me confused " why is everyone starring at me". I whispered quietly
" girl have you seen yourself, you completely changed over the summer. Everyone's probably wondering what happened to fatty katty" he exclaimed
I winched at that name and he looked up at me with apologetically eyes. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to be insensitive" he looked down.
" no it's ok I have lost a lot of weight over the summer, I get it" I sighed fiddling with my fingers. I remembered how hard I tried this summer to loose my weight. My sisters even told me what I was doing was unhealthy but I didn't even care. I just wanted my fat gone, one day I even ended up in the hospital. But I guess all that hard work had paid off, because now I was more comfortable with myself.
My eyes scanned the hallway and I was practically beaming when I saw jazzy running up to us.
" kaitlyyynnnn" she screamed jumping up to my arms almost causing both of us to fall, but we somehow kept our balance.
" Jazzy oh my got I've missed you" we let go and jazzy hugged Jason.
" Jazzy what did you do to your hair, it looks great" Jason was running his hands through her thick, curly hair.
And it does look great she, she dyed the tips maroon, it popped out her chocolate brown eyes. " you like it, I wasn't so sure it was a last minute thing. I wanted to try something new"
" its amazing you look good, it complements your eyes" jazzy looks at me and and circled around me. " I could say the same for you, Australia has been treating you good" she gushed showing off her dimples. I smiled, about to say something else when at that moment I spotted a brown haired boy with a sharp jawline and a dangling earring on the other side of the hallway. Jazzy and Jason saw and looked behind them finding Grayson looking back at me dead in the eye.
  I couldn't tell what he was thinking, probably wondering what happened to fatty katty. I noticed he was coming to our direction. As if on cue the bell ranged signaling that it was time for class. I quickly looked away and walked the opposite direction from him. Jazzy and Jason following me behind.
" are you ok?" Jazzy asked concerned. I took a deep breath "yea let's just go"I muttered.
" wait what class do you have" Jason looks at his schedule " I have English " he announced.
" same" I looked at my schedule " what about you jazzy" I looked at her.
she frowned "ugh I have math, the worst"
We waved and went to our classes, Jason and I had the same class so we walked in and took our seats right next to each other.
" Hello class, My name is Mrs. Anderson and I will be your English teacher for the year". at that moment Grayson comes in out of breath and hair all messed up.
Mrs. Anderson looked up at him " You are late to my class, I should give you detention but since this is the first day I will let you off with a warning" she stated. She looked at the only seat available which was next to me. "You May take a seat next to this young lady over there" she said pointing at me. Greeaaattt I thought.
Grayson looks at me with an annoyed expression on his face and plopped down in the seat right next to me.
Yup this is definitely going to be a long day.


Authors Note: here's the second part, I hope you like it. There is so many mistakes in this chapter but I'll probably edit it. How do you like it so far? I don't really know what to do with the format so I might change it, cause it looks a little messy. Just to let you know I don't know how often I'll post maybe every 2 days. Right now I'm posting everyday cause it's the summer. lol vote on this chapter if you liked it💕

                                         Xoxo, The Author

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