Chapter 18

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I woke up to get ready for school. I did my morning routine and I decided I have time to flat iron my hair today. I applied some light makeup. Just concealer, mascara, and some gloss. I went to my closet and got a Maroon crop top and a patterned pants. I paired it with a necklace and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Grayson? What are you doing here" I asked confused, he was in the kitchen with my mom and Madison

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"Grayson? What are you doing here" I asked confused, he was in the kitchen with my mom and Madison.

"Oh I forgot to mention that he's taking you to school today, my car is in the shop and I just need to use yours for the day so I can pick it up" my mom said

"Are you ready to go" he looks at me

"Uh yeah sure" I put on my shoes and we got inside his car. I was still confused, I wished my mom would have told me she needed my car. But I don't mind, I have to hang out with him after school anyways so it'll be easier if we took the same car.

We drove in silence until he spoke "so... you look nice"

I looked at him and smiled "thanks"

I don't know why it's awkward between us. I snuck a peek at him and he was concentrating on the road. His hair was a little messy and it was floppy. I like it like that it's cute. Wait did I just say he was cute. I mean I guess he's attractive, oh god why am I thinking of him this way.

I didn't even know we arrived school until he spoke "we're here"

"Ok well I'll see ya" i unbuckled my seat belt

"Wait, meet me in the parking lot after school, I have something fun planned today" he smiled

"Why do you always get to do the planning" i pouted

"Well don't you love surprises" he smirked

I just rolled my eyes and got out of the car "fine" I made my way to the school.


School was ok, it was the same thing everyday. I would only see Ashley in the hallways and she would give me death stares occasionally, but I ignored her. It was now after school and I was in the parking lot, leaning on Grayson's car waiting for him.

I saw Grayson come out the building but he was with Ashley. He looked mad and they were yelling at each other. Ashley was crying a little and Grayson rolled his eyes. She slapped him and stormed off and Grayson was left alone. He marched towards the car and I pretended to be on busy on my phone so he won't think I saw the whole thing.

"Sorry I took long, let's go" he mumbled

There was traffic but he pulled up to a tattoo shop. I looked at him curiously. "Tattoos?"

"What, I need one. You can get one too" he said

We got out of the car and he opened the door for me "but don't you have enough already" I stated

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