Chapter 4

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School just finished and now I was on my way home with Madison in the car, cause I had to pick her up from school. We stopped by Starbucks to get drinks first then continued on getting home. "Mom just texted me saying when we're going to be home" Madison was in the front seat of my car with her phone and drink in hand, looking at me for an answer.

"Tell her there's traffic but we should be there in about 15 minutes" we came to a stop light, it was really busy this time of day because people were getting out of school and work.

I pulled up into our driveway and opened the car door to get out. We grabbed our bags from the back seat and headed to the front door. I was so exited to see Diana. "Hello is anyone home" Madison yelled out to the house.

"In here honey" Mom called out in the kitchen. We made our way to the there. Mom was cooking diner and Dianna was sitting on the island table talking to her.

"Kaitlynn, Madison" she came running up to us, and we did a group hug

"I'm so happy you will be spending more time with us" I hugged her harder not letting go

"Yes, we missed you" Madison agreed

"Aw I miss you guys too but I literally just saw you like a week ago" she laughed letting go of the hug

"I know but it's not the same without you here" I went up to my mom and kissed her cheek.

"Ooohhh what are you cooking" Madison tried to take a peek in the oven.

"My famous lasagna, I'm also making dessert" everyone knows about my moms famous lasagna. It's literally the best. She's a really good cook and can make just about anything. I was thinking about how I cant wait to eat it when a question popped up my mind.

"Do you know when dad is coming" I looked at my mom. She has a little sad expression on her face.

"I don't know but he said he's going, to try and come " We never really see Dad that much, he's always at work and stuff. When he is here he never really pays attention to us. He works at a really big sporting company and he's the manager, so he travels a lot. I get that his job is important but cant he spend time with his family?

"Does he even know I'm here, why cant he come for at least a few days so we can spend time as a family" Diana was shaking her head disappointed. Right now our dad was in California for business.

"He never pays attention to us mom. When we were is Australia, all he did was take phone calls for work and have meetings" Madison pouted

My mom let out a loud sight. Him and my mom are divorced but they still live together because my mom just wants us to be a normal family, she doesn't want us to be sad and she tries everything to make us happy. Because of my dads job we live in a big house and we are kind of wealthy but I still sometimes feel lonely. "I'm sorry guys but I will try to talk to him" she let out a small smile.

Just then mom's phone was ringing and she rushed to pick it up. We were all looking at here curious wanting to know who it was. When she finished talking She hung up and looked at us.

"Ok guys the Dolans are coming in 20 minutes so go upstairs and get changed" I practically dragged myself upstairs. I really don't want them to come but what can I do. I took a quick shower and decided on my outfit. I wanted to be comfortable and simple cause it was just dinner so I wore a matching grey adidas set and put my hair into a messy bun.

 I wanted to be comfortable and simple cause it was just dinner so I wore a matching grey adidas set and put my hair into a messy bun

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By the time I was done I heard some noises and laughing downstairs so I assumed that the Dolans are here. I wanted to have a little more time to myself so I went on my phone and scrolled down Instagram. Five minutes later my mom was yelling my name from downstairs.

I got myself together and went downstairs where everyone was talking in the kitchen. "Hey guys" I smiled

"Oh my god sweetheart it's been long" Lisa pulled me in for a hug then let go to get a good view at me. "You look great, Sean come look at Kaitlynn" the twins dad came and saw me, he smiled at pat me in the back.

"Looks like you have been taking good care of yourself" Sean laughed

"Oh my god kait, you look amazing" Cameron scanned me up and down then gave me a light hug. I didn't like it when people pointed out my weight loss cause I felt weird so I awkwardly laughed, wanting the conversation to be over. I gave Ethan a hug then went back to my mom's side. Grayson was in the corner looking at me and he raised an eyebrow, he looked like he was in deep thought.

"Why don't you kids go have fun in the living room and let us adults talk" my mom said to us

Me, Ethan, and Grayson went into the living room. Madison went to the bathroom. Diana and Cameron stayed with the adults. It was kinda awkward between us but Ethan made it less awkward, me and him were just talking and laughing having our own little conversation while Grayson was on his phone. He finally put down his phone and looked at me. "So how did you loose all that weight anyway"

Me and Ethan just looked at him. "Seriously Grayson, you cant just say that" Ethan pointed out.

"What I'm curious, Ashley did have a point it's impossible to loose all that In one summer" that is when I had enough, a sudden rush of anger came over me.

"You know what Grayson I am sick of your pathetic little games, I will not have you disrespect me and treat me like nothing. Are you seriously that bored with yourself to pick on someone who's been through a lot. You don't know me, we have known each other since we were kids but you haven't gotten the time to get to know me. Instead you chose to put me down and for what huh? You wanna know something I HATE YOU." I yelled catching everyone's attention.

I stomped upstairs and went to my room, slamming the door behind me. That was the first time I actually talked back, and you know what...... it kind of feels good. But why do I feel tears running down my cheek? Is it tears of anger? Sadness? I don't know why I feel like this. I seriously need to get a grip.

I was snuggled in my bed for the past fifteen minutes, when I heard a knock outside my door. I ignored it but whoever it was had no intention on leaving me alone. "What, leave me alone" but the person kept knocking.

"Go away" I yelled. Instead of going away they just opened the door and let themselves in, closing it behind them.

"Oh my god did yo-" I turned around finding myself face to face with Grayson and just froze. He was the last person I wanted to see.


Authors Note: this chapter is ok I guess :/
Could have been better anyways thanks for reading and please vote. I don't really know where this story is going but I have some ideas. I'm so unprepared since this is my first time writing so just bare with me. Btw do you want to know what their house looks like I'll put it in.

                                         Xoxo, The Author

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