Chapter 7

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It was now after school and I was getting ready to go in my car so I could drive home. I was still in the school parking lot and as I about to open my car door I was stoped. I looked up to see Grayson in front of me.

"Wait you do know you have to come over today right" he said a little rudely

"Yes your mom called me and asked me to come at your house, but I need to stop by my house to drop my things and change" I opened my car door and hoped in. I buckled my seat belt and and started the engine. Then I rolled down the window to talk to Grayson.

"Why does she need me to come over anyways" I said

"I don't know, something about making sure we are not cheating the plans" he leaned against my car and rolled his eyes.

"Fine whatever, I'll see you" I sighed and put my car on drive and left the school parking lot. I was driving for about 15 minutes until I pulled up my driveway and got out.

I opened the front door and Diana was in the kitchen with Madison heating up some food. "What are you doing here, mom won't be happy"

"Relax I'm about to leave I just need to change into more comfortable cloth and drop off my bag" I headed upstairs and wiped off my makeup. I then looked in my closet for something to wear. I didn't really care how I looked so I just wore some leggings and a hoodie. My hair was straightened from the other day so I just kept it out.

When I finished I went downstairs to join my sisters in the kitchen

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When I finished I went downstairs to join my sisters in the kitchen.
"So what are you guys doing today now that your wonderful sister won't be with you" I said sarcastically. I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Haha very funny" Madison rolled her eyes "but Diana and I are going to the mall with Cameron"

"Lucky you" I took a sip of my water

"What are you and Grayson doing today" Diana spoke up.

"Honestly I don't know, I don't feel like doing anything with him today" I sighed "anyways I have to go see you guys"

I grabbed my car keys and my bag then made my way to the door. I got in my car and turned on the radio, driving to the twins house. It wasn't that far, probably a ten minute drive. I found myself pulling up into their driveway and got out. I walked to their front door and knocked waiting for someone to answer. I waited a minute and Ethan opened the door.

"Hey Kaitlynn" He moved over and let me in "Grayson is upstairs and mom is in the kitchen"

"Thank Ethan" I made my way over to the kitchen where I was greeted by Lisa

"Hello hunny it's nice to see you" she made her way over to me and hugged me.

Cameron walked in the kitchen looking around frantically "oh hey kait" she smiled and waved at me "Mom have you seen my car keys, I'm going to the mall with Diana and Madison" she was making her way over to the counter scanning the area.

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