Chapter 19

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A week has past since I realized I had feelings for Grayson. We've been spending a lot of time together and I have tried to put them aside. I mean I cant believe I like the boy who used to cause me pain. But all I know is that I need to get rid of these feelings.
My dad went back to California and I won't be seeing him until the wedding. Diana left 2 days ago for college. Before she left we spend so much time with her because she will most likely visit only on holidays. College is really busy, she goes to UCLA which is in California so she will be closer with dad. At least it's her last year.

It was now Saturday and today is Hunter's party. Jason and jazzy were at my house so we could get ready together before Grayson picks us up. Grayson was coming in 20 minutes so we need to get ready. We were all just in my room changing.

"Hey which one do you think I should wear, I couldn't decide so I brought both" Jazzy held up two swim suits. An orange one piece with cutouts and a blue bikini.

"The orange one" me and Jason said. Jason already had his green swim trunks on.

I went to the bathroom and changed into a red and white two piece swimsuit. I liked the pattern because it was perfect for this event. I still feel self conscious about my body and I felt really uncomfortable but this was the only pair I owned that fit me. The others were too big on me because I had them before my weight loss. Diana bought these for me a while ago. I came out of the bathroom to show them my swim suit.

"Oh my god, you look hot" Jason giggled

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"Oh my god, you look hot" Jason giggled

"Grayson's totally gonna fall for you if you wear this" jazzy beamed.
Did I tell you how much they can get on my nerves. Anyways they found out I liked him a couple of days ago. I don't even know how they found out. Was I too obvious?

"I'm not trying to impress anybody, I feel exposed in this" I looked down on the ground

Jazzy came up to me and put both hands on my shoulders "Hey, there's nothing wrong with you. Our flaws make up who we are and you should be proud of them. No reason to feel insecure"

"Yea, I mean look at my outie belly button" Jason pointed and I just laughed while jazzy rolled her eyes

I looked around the room and found my denim shorts so I put it on top of my swimsuit. I tied my hair in a messy bun when I heard a honk outside.

We all went downstairs and I opened the front door. Grayson and Ethan were outside in the van waiting for us.

"Kaitlynn are you leaving" my mom poked her head around the corner
"don't forget your sunscreen sweetie" she handed me my bag and slipped a bottle of sunscreen inside.

"Have fun guys" she waved

"Bye Ms. Hastings" jazzy and Jason said before going outside.

"Bye mom, love you" I closed the front door and made my way to the car and got in the back seat.

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