Chapter 11

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I turned around and saw Allison running up to me. "Oh my god, it is you"

She hugged me tightly and continued talking "you left yesterday and I was wondering what happened to you" she let's go and looks at me

"Yeah I wasn't feeling good, sorry I didn't tell you, you were already gone" I smiled

"Oh no it's ok I'm just glad I got to see you again, you were really chill" she exclaimed

Jazzy and Jason were still there trying to figure out who she was

"Oh Allison these are my best friends Jason and jazzy" I turned my attention to them

Allison shook both of there hands" I'm Allison, you can call me Ally. It's nice to meet you"

"You too" they both said smiling

"Hey Ally can we leave now" someone was walking up to her and I recognized him.

"Caint you see I'm talking to someone" Allison rolled her eyes

He looks over to my way and flashes a goofy smile. "Oh hey Kaitlynn"

"You guys know each other?" Allison looks between both of us

"Yeah from school" I exchanged a smile back to Hunter.

"Anyways, Kaitlynn this is my cousin Allison who you already know" Hunter laughs

"Wow I see the resemblance" Jason said

"Ewwww don't ever say that" Alison said jokingly causing all of us to laugh

"So what are you guys doing here" I looked at them

"Oh we are actually shopping for my pool party" He scratches the back of his head

"Yeah it's going be his 18th birthday next weekend" Allison added

"Oh wow happy birthday" Jazzy exclaimed

"Ha thanks, I actually haven't sent out the invitations yet but you guys are definitely invited" he smiles

"Yeah thats great, I can see you guys one last time before I leave" Alison said

"What do you mean before you leave" I was confused

"Oh sorry, I'm actually not from jersey, me and my family just came here two days ago to visit my aunt and Hunter"

"Awhhh that's too bad you are leaving next week" I said quite saddened

I know I've only knew her for like one day but she seems really nice. She has a good vibe about her, and she really cool.

"Yeah but I won't be far, I live in New York which is about two hours away" she exclaimed "but we should definitely hang out"

I exchanged my phone number with Allison and waved goodbye. Jazzy and Jason were still with me and we decided to do a little more shopping before we call it a day.

"Wow she was cool, was she that one you told us about. That day at the club" Jazzy said

"Yeah, I had no idea she was related to Hunter"  we were walking past a hair salon.

Jason ran his hands through his hair and sighed "I need a haircut"

"Then let's go" jazzy took Jason's hand and led him to the hair salon while I followed

We were inside and Jason was seated so the barber can cut his hair. I look down at my hair which stoped at my back. I picked up the ends of my hair to think as I twirled it around my finger. Maybe I should do something different with my hair, you know a new me.

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