Chapter 33

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Prom was right around the corner and our senior year is soon to come to an end. It is May and we graduate in June. Being close to Graduation is hard and stressful because we all might go our separate ways. Out off all the years I had in high school, senior year is my favorite. But we aren't going to think about that right now, we have to get ready and go to school. I curled my hair and put on some light makeup, just concealer and mascara. It was really nice outside and I wanted to wear a dress.

I then quickly sprayed some perfume and grabbed my things to go downstairs

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I then quickly sprayed some perfume and grabbed my things to go downstairs. I was greeted by Madison trying to make eggs.

"Seriously Madison, we have to go to school. I'm dropping you off" I grabbed an apple and put it in my bag

"But I'm hungry, I kinda woke up 10 minutes after my alarm" she pouted

"Just grab a pop tart, or we can stop by Dunkin' Donuts if we have time" I grabbed my car keys and motioned for her to come

She got her bag and went outside towards my car. I went in and pulled out of the driveway getting ready to start our day. I went to Dunkin' Donuts to get breakfast for us then dropped Madison off at her school. A few minutes later I found myself parking at a familiar parking lot. Since we stoped by to get breakfast the bell already rang and I was late for my first period class. I quickly rushed to my locker to get my books and got a late pass from the office.

When I walked in my class Mrs. Anderson raised an eyebrow. Here we go again "You are late, you know how I feel about this" she crossed her arm. Everyone stopped what they were doing and payed attention to me

"Sorry it won't happen again, here's my late pass" I handed her the note as she examined it

She sighed "You May take a seat, Don't let it happen again"

I marched to my seat and Jason smiled as he saw me. "Finally, it was getting boring without you here"

I rolled my eyes "Seriously though why does she have to be so demanding all the time" I whispered back

I looked over to my left and Grayson's seat was empty. "Where is he" I whispered to Jason. He just shrugged.

After a couple more Classes it was now lunch time. I was sitting in my lunch table and I haven't seen Grayson the whole day, I was starting to get worried. He never skips lunch, so I decided to text him.

Me: Grayson where are you??
Me: Are you ok?

It said delivered but he didn't text back, I just shrugged it off. He was probably at home sleeping knowing how he's always late to school.

I opened my pretzel wrapper when Jazzy and Jason joined me at the lunch table.

Jazzy sighed "guys I low-key caint wait till schools over. We have one month left yet we get so much homework"

"Ewww you actually do homework" Jason scrunched up his face

"Duhh, if you want to graduate" jazzy rolled her eyes

"Don't even remind me, I applied for UCLA and the mail will be coming in next week" I popped a carrot in my mouth

We are all planning on going to the same college, it has been our dream to go there since the beginning of high school. Not only that but who wouldn't want to go to California, living with their best friends. I'm just nervous because I hope we all get accepted together, if not Jason said he will do online school and Jazzy will go to Penn State University in Pennsylvania.

"Just promise us that you won't open the letter until we get ours" Jason wagged his finger

"Fine we promise" jazzy smiled "but I really do hope we all get in. I don't know what I would do without you guys"

"Guys positive thoughts only" I reminded them "don't wanna jinx anything"

"Hey do you want that" Jason has been eyeing my Mac n Cheese and mashed potatoes this entire time. I don't even eat the school food that much.

I pushed my tray over to his direction "take it, I don't want it"

He licked his lips and took a spoon full of it in his mouth. "Yum" he smiled

Me and jazzy looked at him in disgust. The school food is nasty, that's why I usually pack my lunch. The mashed potatoes are literally Grey and he was eating it like it's the best thing he's ever had.

"I don't know how you can eat that" jazzy pretended to puke

"It's honestly not that bad. I don't know what you guys are talking about" he shrugged and took another spoonful in his mouth. This boy can literally eat anything and be happy with it.

I saw hunter come inside the cafeteria. He walked up to our table and had a weird expression on his face. "Kaitlynn, you need to come. It's Grayson he's in trouble"

Jazzy and Jason both looked at each other and smirked. I was confused about it but I don't have time to worry about that now. "Where is he? What happened?" I panicked a little but tried to stay calm

"I don't have time to explain, Just hurry" He was in a rush

I got up from my seat and we all followed Hunter out the cafeteria. We went down the hallway and I was looking around for Grayson, expecting signs of trouble. He led me to the gym and when we got inside it was completely dark. I didn't know what was happening and I looked around for hunter and my friends but they weren't there. It was like they suddenly disappeared. What the hell?

Just then the lights turned on exposing a full body of students holding up signs with the word "PROM?". The gym was decorated with gold balloons spelling out the words "WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME" there was confetti and sunflowers everywhere. When I turned around Grayson was there looking fresh smiling at me.

He came up to me and grabbed my hands. "Kaitlynn Hastings, Will you do me the honor and go to prom with me?"

He held chocolates and huge teddy bear out for me. I covered my mouth with my hands from the shock. I felt my lips curve upwards and had the biggest smile. "Of course I'll go with you" I laughed

Grayson picked me up and gave me a big hug. He threw his fist in the air and yelled out "SHE SAID YES"

Students in the gym were clapping and laughing. He put me down and brought me in for a long passionate kiss. I pulled away and looked him in the eye "I was worried when you didn't come to class, you were setting this up for me this whole time" The smile never leaving my face, I brought my hands around his neck, playing in his hair

He gave out a comforting laugh "hope you didn't miss me too much" he winked gripping my ass

This boy is so full of surprises.


Authors Note: sry I haven't been uploading that much lately. I try to do it everyday but I just left traveling for my vacation. 😝 So here's a Question. If I write another story after this, Do you want it to be another Grayson Dolan or should I do an Ethan Dolan for all you Ethan babes 💜

                                     Xoxo, The Author

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