Chapter 36

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Warning: This chapter may be triggering for some viewers.

Everything was so beautiful and perfect, I am having so much fun here. Me and jazzy were dancing on the dance floor and everyone Just scattered.

Jason came over with some punch "guys you wanna go take pictures in the photo booth" he yelled over the music

"Hell yeah, let's go" we went to the corner of the room where the photo booth was and we took a bunch of silly pictures.

There was a line and some people were pissed that we were taking too long. "Hey what's the hold up" some guy knocked

We quickly got out with our pictures before anyone says anything. "Wow they didn't have to be so grumpy" Jason laughed

Just then a slow song began to play and the lights were dim.

I felt a hand on my waist "Can I steal her from you guys" a familiar voice said

I turned around to face Grayson and he held my hand and brought me to the middle of the dance floor. He brung me closer to him as his hand rested on my waist. I brought my hand around his neck and he moved closer allowing out foreheads to touch.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look" he whispered

"No I don't think so. Say it again" I smiled. I love it when he calls me beautiful, sometimes I forget that and it makes me feel special that someone thinks of me that way. That he thinks of me that way

He chuckled lightly "you are beautiful" he spun me around and brought me back to his chest

"Ya know, I never expected you to be a good dancer" I laughed

"What is that supposed to mean" he pretended to gasp

"I mean this in the nicest way possible"

"Well you definitely need some work. You keep stepping on my feet"

"Oh fuck off" I rolled my eyes laughing

The song had just ended and we pulled apart. "I'm going to get us something to drink, don't move" he pointed a finger

"Sure" I smiled

I looked around the room and I felt an eye on me. Ashley was staring at me smirking, I've learned to just ignore her. I felt a hand on my shoulder and Ethan appeared in front of me.

"Why did Grayson leave you here to stand alone?" Ethan said

"He just went to get us a drink"

"You know, I wanna thank you for taking care of my brother. He really has changed for the better. He use to want to act tough and cold hearted but now he seems happy" Ethan ran his hands through his hair

"Ethan I didn't do anything, he wanted to change for himself. I'm glad he did though" I smiled

"Awh come here little sis" he pulled me for a hug

The stage lit up, the math teacher Mrs.Gina and the student council president Maya held a microphone in their hands.

"Hello Everybody, are you having fun" Maya yelled through the microphone and the crowd went crazy

"I caint hear you" she said. The crowd went crazy again was screaming.

"That's more like it. Now this is the moment you have all been waiting for. THE PROM KING AND QUEEN" Maya yelled and everyone was clapping and yelling. I looked over in the corner and I see Ashley smiling and asking her minions to powder her and apply gloss. She's the most popular girl in this school so of course she will win, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"So Mrs. Gina has counted all the votes and has kept the winners in the envelope on her hands. Please welcome her to the stage" Maya clapped and someone gave her another microphone

"Ok so enough talk let's get right to it" she smiled and opened the envelope "This Years Prom King is............ Grayson Dolan"

I cant believe that my Grayson is the prom king. I am so happy for him. All the boys hooted for Grayson and the girls were screaming like crazy. Grayson got up the stage and Mrs. Gina put a crown on his head. Grayson looked around the crowd until he spotted me and wink.

"And this years Prom Queen is......" I look over to Ashley who was already making her way to the stage "KAITLYNN HASTINGS"

Whattt!!? The crowd was clapping and cheering for me to go. When they called my name Ashley's Jaw dropped and she looked pissed. Trust me I'm surprised too why would anyone vote for me. Then I remembered that jazzy told me people are going to vote for the power couple, I guess that's us. I was in so surprised that I couldn't walk.

"Kaitlynn come and get your crown dear" Mrs. Gina said.

I finally walked up the stage and Grayson held my hand as Mrs.Gina put a tiara on my head and handed me some flowers.

"Everyone meet this years Prom King and Queen" she yelled one last time in the microphone. The energy was amazing the crowd was going wild and I felt great. I look over at Grayson who smiled at me and gave me a passionate kiss. When we kissed everyone was screaming louder.

But someone was yelled "STOP NO, EVERYONE STOP"

I look over to the bottom of the stage and I see Ashley coming up. Everyone went silent. "SHES A FRAUD. SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THAT CROWN" she went over to Maya and snatched the microphone out her hands. What is going on.

Grayson looked at Ashley with so much anger in his eyes "Ashley what are you doing. You are causing a scene"

"No everyone needs to know the truth about Fatty Katty" she said through the microphone. Everyone gasped, it was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. No one has called me that name in months, it brought back depressing memories.

Why does everything have to go wrong "Ashley, what is all this about" I managed to choke out

"Wanna tell everyone how you lost all that weight" she smirked

I stood silent how could she know. Why was she doing this to me. Haven't I been through enough. I looked around the crowd to see everyone starring at me, where did all the administrators go. Why is no one helping me.

Grayson's grip on my hand tightened and he looked like he wanted to strangle her "Ashley give me the mic" he said through gritted teeth

She just ignored him and continued talking "Back when Kaitlynn was in Australia she had some sort of condition called Anorexia Nervosa. She's a fraud, she would always puke when she ate and basically starve herself. Not only that, she would take weight lose medication that would make her loose so many pounds, poor girl ended up in the hospital" she laughed. "She had severe depression and suicidal thoughts. She's not who you think she is, she doesn't deserve any of this" she came up to me and snatched my crown.

Everyone was in shock I couldn't move, it felt like the air in my lungs were not circulating and I found it hard to breath. I felt tears streaming down my face, I was ashamed. I looked down on the crowd and saw the faces of my friends, looking at me with pity and sympathy.
I couldn't handle it anymore. I ran from the stage and went were my feet could take me. I left the ballroom and found myself in the grand hallway.
I gave and just broke down crying, trying to catch my breath. I felt myself fall back into the darkness I knew all too well. Like every breath I have was suddenly taken away from me, I'm having a mental breakdown.

I heard footsteps coming from the end of the hallway, I can hear it coming closer. I quickly hid behind a pillar but I didn't do a very good job.

"Kaitlynn..." I recognized that voice. I just wanted to leap into his arms and let it all out, but I'm scared to face him. I'm scared of what he might think of me.


Authors Note: Awh this chapter was sad 😢 I just want to say that having an eating disorder is not ok, find help from a friend or family and know that you are not alone. Thank you for reading this chapter ❤️

Xoxo, The Author

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