Chapter 32

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I wanted to be anywhere that isn't with them. I ran downstairs and everyone was looking at us confused.

"Kaitlynn, Just let me explain" Grayson pleated

"I have nothing to say to you" I wiped my tears and put on my jacket

"What's going on?" Jazzy looked between us. Just then Ashley came downstairs and everyone gasped when they saw her. They put two and two together and figured what was going on.

"Bye babe" she kissed Grayson on the cheek and gave me a disgusted look before she left.

"I just cant deal with this right now" I opened the door and ran outside.

It was snowing really hard but I didn't care, I just started walking. I don't even know where I was going I just had to get out of there.

Grayson followed after me "Kaitlynn will you please just let me explain"

I didn't talk I just kept walking. Grayson went in front of me and block the way.

"She kissed me, not the other way around" he said gently

"But you didn't push her away Grayson"

"You came at the exact time. I know what it looks like but she came into my room asking for me to take her back. I told her that I moved on and she should too. She just forced herself onto me when she heard someone coming upstairs" he ran his hands through his hair.

I looked at him closely and I could tell he was telling the truth. I sighed "I'm so sorry"

He came closer to me and gave me a big hug "I just don't want to loose you" I said my face Buried in his chest

"I know, let's just go inside and forget about it ok?" I sniffed and nodded my head

We went back inside the house and everyone was came huddled around me. "Are you ok sweetheart" Jason said

"Grayson you have some explaining to do" hunter eyed him

"Guys I'm fine, it was just a misunderstanding."

"Can you stay over kait? I mean it is snowing pretty bad" Grayson looked outside "you can all stay if you want"

We all decided to stay and sleep over at Grayson's house. I went upstairs and changed into Grayson's hoodie so I could sleep, it was nice and warm. Soon after Grayson came into the room and laid down next to me, I was laying on his chest and he played with my hair.

"Promise me we won't let anyone come between us." He said

I look up and met with his eyes "I promise"


Guess what today is? ITS CHRISTMAS EVE. We won't have school for a week and Diana came over for the holidays. The house was decorated with Christmas lights and the tree stood near the corner of the living room. Everything looked beautiful, the fire place was even on. My dad also came with Jessica and Lucy. We were all together as a family, the Dolans are also coming today. It was 8 and My mom basically forced me and my sisters to wear matching onesies so I put it on and joined the rest of my family downstairs.

"Oh Kaitlynn, you look so cute" my mom gushed

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"Oh Kaitlynn, you look so cute" my mom gushed

Lucy even had the same one as us. She made us all huddle by the Christmas tree to take a picture of us.

She was taking too long to take the picture and Madison was getting annoyed. "Are you done yet"

"No we need to take more. Richard stand next to them" my mom pointed towards dad

My family are crazy when it comes with pictures, they want to capture every moment. We took more pictures and that lasted about ten minutes until the doorbell rung.

"Finally" Diana ran to the door so she can avoid taking pictures

It was the Dolans, everyone was here Grayson, Ethan, Cameron, Lisa and Sean. We all joined them and started catching up. Ethan and Grayson were wearing a ridiculous elf costume. They looked so funny. My mom and Lisa were gushing on how cute we all looked.

"This is not cute, It's embarrassing" Ethan sighed

"Ha you look so funny, it's worse than what we are wearing" Madison giggled

"It's so cute they are twinning, just like when they were little" Sean smiled

"Can we just talk about why you are wearing a Santa costume" Diana laughed pointing towards Sean

"I think he looks handsome" Lisa kissed Sean

"Ewww mom, I didn't know you were into that" Grayson scrunched his face laughing

All of us kids were laughing while the parents looked at us horrified. "Ok Let's just go in the kitchen, Jessica baked cookies" My dad said

We all went to the kitchen and Jessica set up some hot chocolate and cookies for us.

"Wow, these are really good" my mom ate them

"It's my mothers recipe, I'll be happy to share them with you" she smiled

Despite the whole ex wife thing, my mom and Jessica have been getting along. I feel like they would actually be good friends if they had met under different circumstances.

I was just sipping on my hot coca when I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I felt some wet kisses going down the back of my neck. I turned my body around and wrapped my hands around his neck, pecking his lips.

"Eww get a room" Madison yelled

"Leave them alone, they are so cute" my mom smiled

"I know Anne, I cant wait until they give us beautiful grandchildren" Lisa gushed

"Just think about all the mini Grayson and Kaitlynn running around" my mom agreed with her

"They would be Fugly. I already have to look at Grayson's face everyday" Ethan snickered

Grayson cleared his throat "guys stop it" his cheeks turned pink

"Awh is my little brother blushing" Cameron said in a baby voice

"Ok let's go somewhere that isn't with them" Grayson grabbed my hand and we went to my room.

"I'm sorry about them" he blushed

I got closer to him and wrapped my arms around his torso "you're cute, you know that" I giggled

He closed the gap that that was between us and kissed my lips. He lets go and picks me up over his shoulders and carries me onto the bed making me laugh. I was dropped onto the bed and he climbed in afterwards leaving kisses on my neck. He kept doing that until he found my sweet spot and I let out a moan, he smirked satisfied. He rejoined my lips until I stoped him from going any further.

"Grayson we cant, people are downstairs" I pouted

"We just have to be quiet baby" he continued giving me hickeys

"As tempting as that sounds, no" I got up smirking on how frustrated I left him.

"You'll regret that" he smirked. We left to go back downstairs

The rest of the night we were singing Christmas songs and enjoying each other's company. We exchanged some early presents and had a great time. It was an amazing Christmas night.



Authors Note: Guys I officially think my writing has gone bad. Anyways the important part that's gonna happen in this story is on may around prom time (in the story). Should I just skip a bunch of months and get to the point, I was planing on ending it a long time ago because I don't think it's necessary to keep dragging it. What do you think I should do? I want to start writing a new book 🌚😁

       Xoxo, The Author

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