Chapter 27

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After a nice walk on the beach it was time to get ready for the wedding. I was in my hotel room and my dad had hired a stylist to do my sister and I's makeup and hair. He wants everything to be perfect. The person who did my hair and makeup was really talented. She went for a mate rose lip and pink glitter shadow. My hairdresser put my hair into a nice styled bun. When we were done I changed into a dress I had bought for this occasion. It was a blush pink/tan color with details of rose gold. It was above my knees a little and showed a little bit of cleavage.

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I looked at myself in the mirror

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I still wasn't used to wearing clothes like these. I always hated my body so I felt a little self conscious. If only people knew what I had to do to loose all this weight, I though that being skinny was the solution to all my problems but it wasn't. I just had to feel confident in myself, and what I did wasn't healthy. I just wished I knew that back then. (All will be revealed soon 🤫)

When I was done I heard a light knock at my door. Diana pokes her head inside and walked it.

"Wow you look beautiful" she smiled

"Thanks you do to" and she does. She was wearing an emerald green dress that was tight and above her knees, the material looks nice and silky.

"Come on we have to go, everyone is downstairs" she linked her arms with mine and we went downstairs to the backyard where the wedding will be hosted. We were right behind the beach and there was a beautiful view. The place was beautiful and well decorated. The sky was a pleasing purple color. It looked amazing.

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