Chapter 22

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A week later and it was starting to feel more like fall. It was now October and Hunter was texting me because our date was today. I know he's a great guy but I'm kind of nervous because I've never been on a date. Shocker I know but I want everything to be perfect.

Me: what should I wear

Hunter: just something casual and comfortable, I'm taking you roller skating😊

Me: ok sounds good, I'll be ready soon

Hunter: take your time. Cant wait to see you ;)

I hoped in the shower and washed my hair. When I got out I blow dried it and curled it. I made an effort with my makeup. A nude lip and a shimmer brown shadow. I put on some high waisted jeans and a sweater. It was really cold so I put a jean jacket on top of it. I decided to wear my healed boots for the finishing look

 I decided to wear my healed boots for the finishing look

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Right when I finished my phone buzzed and it was Hunter telling me he was outside

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Right when I finished my phone buzzed and it was Hunter telling me he was outside. I grabbed my purse and made my way out. When I got in the car we hugged each other.

"Wow you look beautiful" he exclaimed

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I smiled.

The car ride to the skating arena was a comforting silence. When we got there he told me not to get out of the car yet. I was a little confused but I stayed. He got out and ran to my side of the door to open it for me. He stuck out a hand for me to take.

"Oh what a gentleman" I chucked and grabbed his hand. We got inside the building. When we got there we had to rent out skating shoes, so we told the front desk what size we were and he handed us our shoes. We sat down on a little bench to put it on.

When I was finished I looked up and there was so many people roller skating, they looked like they were having fun.

"Ready" hunter got up and skated to me.

"Yeah one problem, I don't know how to skate" I looked down

"it's ok I'll teach you" he put out his hand and I took it.

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