Chapter 16

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"What do you want Ashley" I looked at her

"Stay away from Grayson, he's mine" she took a step closer to me

"What do you mean stay away from him. And you guys aren't even together" I was confused

"Yesterday I went over to his house. But guess what I saw, I saw you both leaving the front door and getting in his car" she rolled her eyes
"I mean he'll never go for you, and since when do you guys talk"

"What? it's not what you think. But now I see why he isn't interested in you anymore" I waved my hand in front of her face

Now she was really mad "just because your skinny and everything doesn't mean anything. You'll still be that fatass everyone remembers you to be"

Jason was about to say something to her but I cut him off. "And you'll still be that bitch who desperately wants attention"

Her face was now red "what did you just call me"we were now inches apart

I felt confident more than ever "you heard me" I smirked

That's when she had enough, she brought up her hands and I felt a sting on my cheek. Oh no she did not. I jumped on her and we were on the ground, I was now on top of her. I punched her face and she was trying to hit me. We were throwing punches at each other and screaming. Jason tried to pull us apart but it was no use. Jazzy tried to get help and we caught the teacher's attention. All the other students were crowded around us.

Mr.Lark came and tried to get everyone away from us when I felt some strong arms pulling me back.

"Kaitlynn, Stop this isn't like you" It was Grayson. What he said got to me and I tried forcing myself out of his arms but his grip was only tighter. I looked at Ashley and she had bruises on her face, she was being held back by Hunter who was looking at me with concern.  When Mr. Lark got the crowd to leave and everything was settled down, he came back to us.

He looked at us and you can tell he was pretty mad. "You two, principals office. Now" he pointed at both of us

"And you guys go with them to make sure nothing else happens" he was talking to Grayson and hunter


I was now in the principals office and the door opened signaling me to come in. I left the sitting room and went in the office. I sat down in the chair that was in front of the principal and Ashley was across from me.

"So your teacher told me what had happened, care to explain why you guys were fighting" her eyebrows were furrowed

Ashley began to talk "she is try to take my boyfriend away from me" she batted her eyelashes at the principle

"Oh my god you guys aren't dating, we are just family friends" I rolled my eyes

"I see" Mrs. Lenards crosses her arms

She began talking again "Kaitlynn you are one of my strait A students and this behavior is so unlike you, so I will let you off with a warning. However if this happens again I won't be so easy"

Then she turns to Ashley "But you Ashley have been in this office more times than I could count. Other students are coming to me about rude behavior and bullying, this has not been the first time. So I will give you after school detention for three days"

"What that is not fair" Ashley stood up

"My decision is final, I expect that you both learn your lesson from this. You may make your way out"  Mrs. Lenards said "Ashley I need you to stay behind"

I got up and left the office. I made my way to the hallways and Grayson and hunter were both waiting for me.

"Kaitlynn what happened in there" hunter said

"Nothing she just let me go with a warning"

"I gotta admit you were pretty badass" Grayson laughed "I never saw this side of you"

"Are you serious dude, she could have gotten hurt" Hunter said

"I'm fine guys, I'm just going to go home. School is over in half an hour anyways" I shrugged

"Ok well I'll see you, be safe" Hunter left

I went to my locker and got my bag. Grayson was just there starring at me and leaning against the lockers


"Nothing it's just.... what were you guys fighting about" he raised and eyebrow

"It's nothing, don't worry about it" I closed my locker and we started walking. Grayson insisted on walking me to my car and wouldn't take no for an answer. We were now in the parking lot and I hoped in my car. I rolled down the windows when I noticed Grayson wanted to say something.

"My mom said we don't have to hang out today because you guys are coming for dinner tonight" he said

I don't know why but I was a little hurt that he didn't want to hang out with me but it's whatever. I didn't even know we were supposed to have dinner at his house.

"Ok" was all I said before backing up and making my way home. I pulled up at my house and got out the car. I opened the door and got inside the house.

"Kaitlynn is that you" my mom was in the dinning room table with my dad

"What are you doing home so early" she looked at the clock.

"Just had a bad day at school, not feeling well" I shrugged

"Ok well, we need to talk to you" my dad was a little nervous

"Come sit down" he said

We all sat down at the table. I was across from my parents. It was the first interaction we had since last night when my dad broke the news, and I've been meaning to talk to them.

My dad took a deep breath "Kaitlynn I'm so sor-" I cut him off before he could say anything else

"Wait let me talk first, I'm the one who should be sorry. I've been meaning to talk to you guys to tell you how I feel. I've been selfish and I wasn't even thinking of you, I want you to be happy. I know it's a big change but I have faith that everything is going to be ok. Dad I can see now that you are putting an effort and I'm sorry I've been so hard on you. I guess I didn't want to let go of the past and move on. But now I see that I'm only hurting you guys more. So I am going to try and support you."

"Oh honey" my mom was a little tearful "we want what is best for you, and we both love you very much. We just want to move on from everything even though it's hard, but this is what is best for us. Your father and I have split two years ago and we are open to seeing other people"

My dad started talking "we already talked to your sisters and they were upset at first, but they have come to terms with it. I am so greatfull to call you guys my family, and I never meant to cause you guys any harm. I love you with my whole life" his eyes were watering.

I was even crying, it felt so good to let it all out. Now we can move on from this and look forward in the future. "I know dad, I love you too"

We all got up and did a group hug and we were crying. Until we heard some voices behind us.

"Awhhhh" my sisters were beaming and I rolled my eyes.

"I caint believe you were going to do a group hug without us" Madison ran to us

We all started laughing and did another group hug with Diana and Madison joining us. Even though we are imperfect and have a lot of problems, we are still family and we get through it together. The smile on my face never left.


Authors Note: Hello. This chapter was meh, but I have a lot of ideas coming soon. Cant wait and give this a vote.
                                       Xoxo, The Author

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