Chapter 38

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Today is the last day of school, I am so happy about because honestly I'm so over it. It has been about 4 days since the prom and I haven't talked about it to anyone. I guess I wasn't ready to face it but now I am. I got up from my bed to start my morning routine. I put my hair into a neat bun and light makeup. I opened my closet to find what to wear and slipped on my denim dress.

I ran downstairs and got a pop tart out of the cabinet

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I ran downstairs and got a pop tart out of the cabinet. I opened the fridge to get my water bottle and when I closed it Diana was on the other side causing me to jump.

"That's a good way to sneak up on someone" I put my hand over my chest

"Sorry, I needed to go out for my morning run" she got out milk from the fridge

Diana just finished college a couple weeks ago. She just came home yesterday. Now that she got her college degree she's planning the next step of her life. She's looking into jobs to be a law firm associate or an attorney since that was her major. But as of right now she will be staying with us.

Madison came from downstairs and sat next to Diana. She dumped her book bag on the table and slouched "you know Diana, you are so luck that you don't need to go to school anymore. You can finally get all the sleep you want" she grumbled

"Someone's grumpy" Diana laughed

I looked at Madison and rolled my eyes "oh come on, you just need to get through today. It's the last day of school won't you miss your friends"

Diana smirked "what friends"

"Hey" Madison hit her arm causing Diana to spill her cereal. Diana threw a fit and Madison was yelling her

"Can you guys chill, it's too early or this" I rolled my eyes

"What is all this commotion" i heard mom's voice behind me. When she saw the mess she sighed. "It's ok I'll clean it up, you guys have to get to school" she gave me my car keys and practically tried to shove us out the house. Madison got her bag from the counter and stuck her tongue out at Diana before running to the car.

I left the house and got in the drivers seat, getting ready to drop my sister off. 15 minutes later I find myself parking at the school parking. I knew I was a little late because the bell had just rang. I got out of my car and headed to the building to start of my day.


We had just finished some classes and it was now lunch time. I was sitting at our lunch table with jazzy, Jason, Hunter, Grayson, and Ethan. They were just talking about random stuff while I doze off.

"Hello, earth to Kaitlynn" Jason waved his hands in front of me

"Huh?" I jumped a little causing my apple juice to spill on the table. Some spilled on Grayson's shirt who was right next to me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" I gathered a bunch of napkins and dabbed it off him

"It's ok, Its fine" he reassured me but I continued cleaning the mess.

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