Chapter 12

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I turned around on the the bed and woke up to snores and a foot on my face. I pushed the feet away and heard a loud thud on the floor followed by groans.

"Really, you just push me" Jason groaned and looked at me with tired eyes

I yawned and rubbed my eyes "Sorry your feet was on my face" my raspy voice came out

We looked over at jazzy who was still snoring on the bed. She was in a really weird position, she was laying on her stomach as half of her body hung of the bed. How can she sleep like that.

"See look at jazzy, you take up too much room" I laid back town to realax myself and take in the sun that was reflecting off the window.

Jason just laughed "what did you expect, I'm a big man"

I just rolled my eyes and Jason looked out the window "what time is it" he asked

I get my phone from the night stand to check the time. "It's 1 o'clock, we slept in late"

I threw the blanket of me and went to Jason's bathroom, I got my tooth brush out of my bag. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Jason came in and started doing his morning routine. When we were done we came back into his bedroom and jazzy was still sleeping. But this time she was in a different weird position, she was hanging upside down from the bed.

"What is up with that" I remarked laughing

Jason looks at jazzy and gave me a smirk "you know what I'm thinking"

I laughed knowing he was thinking of a funny way to wake her up "What"

"We splash her with cold water" he snickers

We went in the bathroom and filled up a cup with freezing cold water. I held the cup in my hand and Jason went in his closet and pulled out a tuba. We couldn't help but laugh, but I shushed him up so we won't wake her.

"In the count of three" he whispers

"one" he said
"Two" I followed
"Three" we both shouted

Jason held his breath and blew on the tuba really loud as I splash water on her. Jazzy fell on the ground and bolted up. Me and Jason couldn't contain our laughs? We were literally crying.

"What the hell" she shrieked

She got up but before she could get to us we ran out the door really fast and made our way downstairs. We were erupted with laughter and we held onto each other to keep us from falling.

"Did you see the look on her face" he held onto his stomach

"She looked really pissed" I wiped my tears

We both stayed there catching our breaths. Jason went into the kitchen and I followed. He looked around the fridge for something to eat as I sat on his island. Jazzy came downstairs a few moments later and I can hear her muttering under her breath. Jason tried to keep  in a laugh but it came out as a snort.

"Not cool" she shook her head and grabbed a bottle of water.

"You gotta admit it was pretty funny" she ignored my comment

"You guys want to order something. I could Uber eats Starbucks"

"Yess" jazzy said suddenly in a happy mood. You can give that girl food and she would pretend like nothing happened

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