Chapter 15

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I woke up to the sunlight hitting my face. Why was it so bright, I checked the time and I was late to school. Like 3 hours late. I bolted up and started getting ready, I was speeding trying to do my morning routine. I looked in my closet and I didn't have time to figure out what to wear so I just threw on some shorts and a graphic T-shirt.

I quickly brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun

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I quickly brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun. I didn't even bother with makeup, I don't put much anyways. I ran downstairs and Diana was typing away in her laptop, and sipping on some coffee

She looks up at me and raised an eyebrow "you're still here, I though you already left for school"

I quickly looked around for my keys and found it on the side table "sorry no time to talk, gotta go"

I ran outside and got in my car, ready to go to school. I was really late and I probably missed half of my classes. I pulled up in the school parking lot and made my way to the building. Right when I got inside the bell rang and I don't know what period it is. I was walking around the hallway when Jazzy spotted me and ran up to me.

"Oh my god where were you, didn't you see all my missed calls" she hugged me

"Sorry I overslept, I just came here. What period is it" I was walking to my lockers so I can get my books

"Kaitlynn it's lunch time"

I opened my locker and grabbed my books for the remaining classes and we made our way to the cafeteria. Jason was already sitting at our table waiting for us.

We sat down and Jason smiled "I thought you wasn't coming "

"Yea yesterday was crazy, I need to tell you guys something" I took a fry off his tray

"Hey" he slapped my hand away but it was too late

"Anyways yesterday my dad actually came to tell us he was getting married" I was chewing on my fry

"What, too who" jazzy said

"Apparently this lady named Jessica" I rolled my eyes

"Wow that was unexpected, how do you feel about it" Jason chugged his water

"At first I was really mad and sad, but now I realize there's nothing I could do about it" I sighed "it's best that we all move on"

"You should talk to him and tell him how you feel, my parents split and my mom got married to this guy. Then she had Caleb, at first I was mad that she moved on so easily. I sat down and told both of them how I felt and now we manage to find a way for us all to be happy" jazzy said "it's going to take some time but it will be alright"

"Wow I never really considered it. Thank you Jazzy" I smiled

"No problem, it's good to have someone who's been through what your going through"

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