Chapter 13

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I was scrolling through my phone checking on my social media when it came around the time I had to get ready. It was 7:00 and the reservations my dad made was at 8. I took my shower and put my curled hair into a low bun. Since the restaurant was fancy I wanted to put some effort on my makeup. I did a pink shadow and a nude pink lip.
I didn't want to do much with my outfit so I just wore a white two piece dress, with some heels. I looked in my big mirror and I was satisfied with my look.

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I checked the time and it was 7:45

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I checked the time and it was 7:45. Right when I sprayed some perfume my mom called from downstairs.
"Kaitlynn i hope you are ready, we need to go so we don't get late"

"I'm coming mom" I looked around the room for my clutch and grabbed it, stuffing my phone and essentials in there.

I went downstairs and my mom and sisters were waiting for me in the living room. They all liked nice and wore dresses and heels.

"Come on let's go in the car, your dad is waiting outside" my mom pushed us out the door and we made our way to the car. My dad was in the driver seat with my mom in the passenger. We all sat in the backseat of the car and my dad made his way to the restaurant.

We drove in silence except for the classical music playing in the car. It was pretty far and there was traffic so we were 10 minutes late. When we pulled up to the restaurant my dad gave the keys to the valet so he could park the car and we all made our way inside.

My dad has spoken to person at the front desk "reservation for Richard Hastings"

He typed some stuff on the computer and looked back at us.

"Right this way sir" he replied and led us to our table with six seats for each of us. We all settled down and I looked around the restaurant. It was very fancy, the seats and floor were velvet red. The ceiling was decorated with chandeliers and the silverware looked like it was pure gold.Candles were lit everywhere in the room and the lights were pretty dim. There were mostly couples here but there was also some family. We were sitting near the window so we had a beautiful view out in the open.

The waiter came back and asked us what we wanted to drink. And we told him what we wanted, I just ordered water.

"Thank you all for coming to this dinner" my dad looked at us and smiled. We all looked at the menu to see what we wanted to eat and when the waiter came back we told him what we wanted. I just ordered pasta.

When our food came back we all enjoyed and had a conversation. I was actually enjoying myself and we were all laughing and smiling.

"I did not" Madison laughed

"Yes you did" my parents said at the same time

My dad was smiling "you would run around the house naked everyday right after dinner claiming the Zombies are coming"

My mom joined in "you had a wild imagination when you where younger"

"Oh my god I remember that, and Kaitlynn would always mess with you and wore mom's makeup. She actually looked like a zombie" Diana laughed "no wonder why you were scared Madison"

"What take that back. It's not like you wasn't apart of it. You would pretend you were a knight and chased me around the house with a knife. A FRICKIN KNIFE" I punched Diana in the arm playfully

"And I had to try and chase you to get the knife out of your hands before you hurt somebody" my mom said to Diana

"You guys were troublemakers" my dad was erupting with laughter

We stayed there and went down memory lane having a good time. Some people at the restaurant were even starring at us because of how loud we were but we didn't care. We were one imperfect family enjoying ourselves. I wish it could be like this everyday.

When we settled down my dad began getting more serious "ok now I have some wonderful news to share with you"

We all stoped talking and looked at my dad. He continued talking "I wanted to let you guys know that I have been seeing someone special for a long time now and we are planning on getting married in a month. It would mean a lot if you guys would come to the wedding to meet her and her family. I know this news is unexpected but now we can make our family bigger, a start of a new chapter. I love you guys so much and it would mean the world to me if you were at this wonderful event."

It suddenly grew silent. No one dared to talk, how could he do this to us he leaves and now he was getting married. So many emotions were consuming me at once sadness, confusion, anger.

"What" Madison whispered softly

I was sad, I was angry, and I wanted him to know. "How could you do this to us. Are we not enough for you, you leave and don't call but you come back to tell us you are getting married? Do you expect us to be ok with that"

"Honey I understand you might be upset but your mother and I have been divorced for 2 years now. It's time for us all to move on and find happiness. My happiness is with my kids and Jessica. I want you guys to be apart of my life, I meant what I said. I wanted to be better for you guys. I know I haven't been there but Jessica changed me to be a better person not only for myself but for my family. And I love her very much, I hope you can can learn to love her as much as I do" he said

"I will never love another woman who isn't mom. You weren't there when I needed you the most dad. I love you so much but you chose to love someone else, sometime I just need you here with me. I been through so much pain and guess who was with me through it all, they were" I pointed to my mom and my sisters

"But where were you, you have put us through so many pain. When I was sick in Australia, I was literally in the hospital fighting for my life but you didn't come to visit me once. I needed you but you weren't there for me. I understand you want to be better but this is not the way to do it. You know what I cant do this" my voice cracked

I grabbed my purse and quickly ran out of the restaurant before anybody can get to me. I was running until I was a block away, it's too much I need to get out of there. I haven't even noticed that tears began to run down my cheeks. I'm probably being dramatic but this hurts, I just want to go back in time to where my family was happy. I want us all to be together again but I guess that's too much to ask.

I turned on my phone so I could call an Uber. The Uber came and I got in the car. I didn't want to go back to my house again because my dad is staying there, in the guest room so I went to the only place I could think of. The Uber asked me if I was ok but I didn't respond.

He dropped me off and I found myself knocking on a door. It took a while for someone to answer but the door opened to show a sleepy Grayson.

"Kaitlynn what are you doing here" he asked but I just hugged him and cried onto his shoulders. I know I'm being too needy but I just wanted to be with someone. I don't know why he was the first person I though of. Maybe because our families are close and they would understand. He was a little confused but returned the hug and comforted me.


Authors Note: I feel like I'm not putting Grayson in the story as much as I would like to so we will have a lot of Grayson Kaitlynn moments 😉 I just wanted you guys to get to know Kaitlynn more, but this is a Grayson story after all. Just be patient.

Xoxo, The Author

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