Chapter 24

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Today was Saturday and I had plans to go out with a couple of friends. Two days have passed since Grayson admitted his feelings to me and I don't know what to do. I'm actually going out with him today. Grayson and hunter made up so Hunter decided for us all to go out and have some fun. It was going to be me, Hunter, Grayson, Ethan, Jazzy, Jason, And Liam.

We are going to our towns annual fall festival. Literally everyone in New Jersey knows about it and attends. All of our families are also going too. It's just a fun event that happens and we go every year. There's a maze, contests, rides, and more. Jazzy, Jason, and Liam are riding with me. Hunter is picking up the twins.

I had to get ready so I could pick them up. They were all at Jazzy's house. I decided to leave my hair out, it was nice and wavy. I wanted my makeup to look nice so I did a neutral look. It was chilly outside so I put on a skirt and sweater matching set with knee high boots.

 It was chilly outside so I put on a skirt and sweater matching set with knee high boots

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I grabbed my bag and went downstairs

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I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. My mom was in the living room with Madison.

"Oh are you going to the towns fall festival" Madison looks at me

"Yea, I'm going with a couple of friends" I said

"Since when do you have friends" Madison snickers causing me to roll my eyes

"Be nice to your sister" my mom looks at Madison "we are going too, Lisa is coming over with Sean"

"Can I go with you Kaitlynn?" Madison pouts

"No you cant, you are going with mom" I grabbed my keys at the table

"But it's not going to be fun. I'll be with them the whole time. Cameron isn't even here" she argued

"Madison it's the fall festival, all of your friends will be there" my mom said

"Oh I totally forgot. Ok never mind" Madison ignored me like I was never there

I grabbed my bag and opened the front door. "Bye guys, see you there"

I hoped in my car and made my way to jazzy's house. When I got there I honked on the horn to let them know I was here. She came out with Liam and Jason and got in my car.

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