Chapter 3

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Class wasn't so bad. The teacher just talked about what to expect this school year, and she went around the class so we can get to know one another. Grayson kept staring at me though which made me really nervous, I was expecting him to make a rude comment or something but it never came. He looked like he was in a bad mood today because of how he would clench his jaw and check his phone every five minutes. We went through a couple more classes today and it was now lunch time. I was sitting at my lunch table with Jason and jazzy just talking about our classes and other stuff.

"Can you guys come over my house today for a sleepover, it's been a while since we last hung out" Jason asked taking a bite of his sandwich

" Sorry Jason but I gotta babysitting my brother today cause my parents are going out for their anniversary" Jazzy grumbled

" umm excuse me but why are you complaining, Caleb is so cute." Seriously though, he's 3 years old so he cant be that hard to watch over.

"Still he's so hyperactive and is always breaking things, then I get yelled at for not taking good care of him even though they still ask me to babysit"

"Wow I wish I had siblings, you both are lucky" Jason pleated. " anyways how about you kait? Can you come over"

I sipped on my orange juice remembering my plans today. I sighed and looked at Jason " I'm sorry I cant today, Diana's coming home and my mom invited the Dolans to have dinner with us". I cant believe they have to come over, I mean I don't mind Cameron and Ethan, they are actually really fun to hang with but Grayson will most likely be there.

They both looked at me with a sorry expression. They know our families are close so it not a surprise they are coming over but they still get angry for all the times Grayson has messed with me. "If he ever does anything to you just call me and I'll come right over and beat the crap outta him. And I don't care who's watching" Jason was wagging his finger at me with a serious expression on his face. I laughed a little, this is why I love him.

"Speaking of the devil" Jazzy's head turned to the cafeteria door where Grayson and his friends just entered. Grayson was with Ethan and their friends Chase, Ryan, and Hunter. Ashley was also with them. Her and Grayson are always on a off again on again relationship. They are kind of the popular in this school and everyone basically worships them. Boys wanted to be them and girls wanted to be with them. I mean who wouldn't he's actually really attractive with his sharp jawline, hazel eyes, and that cute little birthmark on his chin. Too bad for his horrible personality.

I saw that Grayson and his friends were coming this way so I panicked a little. "Whoa what happened to all that fat, kinda missed it" Grayson laughed.

"Grayson!" Ethan yelled at him all serious

"What, he's right what happened to all that
cinnamon rolls" Chase gave a high five to Ryan.

I couldn't believe they were still at it again it's like I wasn't even here. Jason stood up and got closer to Grayson. " look hunny, do you have nothing better to do than to put people down" he spat in his face.

Ashley piped in " hey we are just telling the truth, don't you find it suspicious that she lost all that weight in one summer. She probably had surgery done or something" she looked at me with her clumpy fake eyelashes and popped her gum.

Jason was about to go all off when I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and ran to the bathroom, I heard Grayson behind me say "she'll always be fatty katty". I went to the stall crying. Sometimes I tried to be strong but it's hard. Why do I let them say things to me like that, what did I do to deserve this. At that moment I heard the bathroom door open.

"Kaitlynn?" Jazzy was knocking on my stall door. "Come on open up"

I finally opened the door and came out crying on her shoulders. She patts my back comforting me and getting some tissues to wipe my tears.

"why are they like this, and why am I such a baby" I sniffed

"Hey you are not a baby, they just have nothing better to do with their lives. No matter what me and Jason will always be here for you" she said tucking my hair back

"Thank you, I don't know what I will do without you guys" I whispered and pulled her in for a hug

When we got out of the bathroom Jason was next to the door waiting for us to come out. " oh my god, are you ok" he jumped on me causing me to smile

" I am now" we let go and the bell started to ring signaling lunch was over. We did a group hug and went our separate ways. As I was going to my next period I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Hunter, one of Grayson's friends. I quickly tried to walk past him not wanting to cause anymore problems.

"Wait Kaitlynn" he held onto my wrist gently turning me around

"What do you want" I said quietly, only wanting to go to class

" I just wanted to say sorry for earlier, I talked to Grayson hoping he would stop being rude" he looked at me

I was a little surprised by his words. I mean Hunter never really contributed in the rude comments, but he also never really paid attention to me. He was nice at times like Ethan but he was usually quiet.

"Ok" I didn't really know what to say besides that.

"Well I'll see you around, and again sorry about that" he smiled turning around and waved back at me, leaving me in confusion.


Authors Note: Ewww I felt like this chapter was cringe and bad. Anyways I hope you enjoyed. If you noticed I also changed the format a little, so tell me if you like this one or the other one. Please vote on this chapter, and if you have any ideas you can message me and I'll tag you if I use it :)

Xoxo, The Author

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