Chapter 5

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Grayson was just standing there in front of my door, and we stared at each other in silence for what seemed like forever. It was really awkward, and I wanted to say something but I couldn't find the words to. I was still angry and wanted to be alone so I finally said something. "What are you doing here, I don't want to see you"

He looks at me and rolled his eyes " trust me I don't want to see you too but my parents made me come up here to talk to you, I cant leave until I do" there was more silence. He looks around my room then back at me " nice room" he said plainly.

"Is that seriously all you have to say" I was starting to get annoyed.

He came over at my side and sat on the edge of the bed. "I don't know what else to say" he shrugged his shoulders.

"You can start my saying sorry, or making it up to me... I don't know" is this boy serious? What is wrong with him.

"Fine I'm sorry that I just wanted to know what happened with your weight, is it a crime to be curious" he said sarcastically

"Grayson it's not only about what happened today but it's about the years you have been hurting me constantly, what did I even do wrong for you to hate me so much?"

"Look can we just pretend we're good so my mom can stop bugging me, now let's go downstairs" he was getting up and headed towards the door.

I got up and went in front of him blocking the way for him to exit and looked him straight in the eye "no, not until you answer my question"

"I don't know I just do okay, now get out of my way" he shoved me a little causing me to fall. I could tell he didn't mean for me to fall but I was still mad

"Are you serious Grayson, you will never change" I yelled at him picking myself up, stomping down the stairs. I almost forgot we had guest over so right when I came into the living room everyone was starring at me.

"What!" I snapped walking into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I kind of felt bad because I never really let anger get the best of me and I just snapped at my family and our guest.

Everyone came into the kitchen because it was almost time for dinner and Grayson came in after them. It was really quiet and there was tension in the air. "Ok this is ridiculous, you guys have to start getting along. I am tired of this" my mom finally spoke.

"Agreed, which is why staring from tomorrow, you guys will be hanging out after school" Lisa piped in

"WHAT" me and Grayson both said at the same time

"Stop complaining, we are doing this so you guys can get to know each other. Isn't that what you said kait, you said that Grayson didn't know you because he didn't take the time to. Well now he will" Sean said with a stern look on his face

my mom put her hand up to silence me. "No buts, tomorrow after school Grayson will be taking you out somewhere to hang out, like what friends are supposed to do"

"But we are not friends" Grayson said basically reading my mind

"It doesn't matter, we want you guys to get along" Lisa said

"You gotta be fucking kidding me" Grayson yelled, clearly angry

"No Grayson we are not, watch your tone and language" Sean shot back

I looked at Diana for help but she just shook her head "I think they may be right on this one, just give each other a chance" she looked between me and Grayson. Cameron was nodding her head in agreement.

"But we don't- " before I could finish my sentence my mom cut in.

"End of discussion, we were supposed to have a nice family dinner and that is what we are doing. Dinner is ready anyways so everyone at the dining table" she clapped getting everyone's attention.

I made my way to the dining room in defeat. After the discussion everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, laughing, and having separate conversations. Me and Grayson were the only ones not enjoying ourselves. I just ate my food and when we were done I helped my mom clear the table and wash the dishes.

Me, Madison, Diana, and Cameron was just hanging out in the basement which is the "fun room",playing board games and having girl talk.
Ethan and Grayson were outside playing football.
The adults were having tea and talking in the living room. The rest of the night went pretty smoothly and I was actually having fun but the Dolans had to leave. We said our goodbyes and mom went upstairs to sleep. Madison, Diana and I stayed downstairs in the living room picking a movie out to watch. I went to go make popcorn while Madison picked out a movie.

"Hey" Diana came into the kitchen and headed towards the pantry, pulling out chocolate, chips, and candy.

"Wow we are not going to be able to sleep eating all that sugar, and we have school tomorrow" i laughed while she went to the fridge to pull out some sodas.

"You will be alright, but I wish we could pull an all-nighter" she laughed "plus it's ok to break the rules a little bit"

I smiled and pulled out the popcorn, to pour it into a bowl. Diana looked at me squinting jer eyes a bit. "Are you ok, you know after what happened today"

I let out a little sigh " you know, I just wish people would stop asking if I'm ok"

"We are just worried that's all, you have been through a lot and we just want to be there for you. It didn't help after what happened this summer" she said cautiously

" I thought we agreed not to talk about that" this something thing nobody knew other than my family. I know it was a mistake but I don't like talking about it.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry I won't" she put her hands up. "Just know we love you little sis, don't ever forget that" she wrapped our hands together and got closer to me.

"I won't, I love you guys too" she pulled me in for a hug. I like this warm feeling, I like knowing that I am loved, and it's good to be reminded. Sometimes I forget that

"What is taking you guys so long, I need snacks and the movie is about to start" Madison yelled from the living room. We chuckled lightly, grabbed our snacks and made our way to the living room.

We put the snacks down jumping on the couch on top of Madison. "No stop get off me, you guys are heavy" we laughed and she tickled us so we can get off her. We were throwing pillows and running around the living room trying to dodge each other because now we were at war. See this is what I like, spending time with those I love and being surrounded by happiness. I don't think there is a greater feeling to that.


Authors Note: haiii, sorry for not posting yesterday I was busy with some things. Like I said please keep in mind that I might not post everyday. Hope you like this chapter, please give it a vote. Oh and Kaitlynn has a secret..... can you guess what it is 😉

                                           Xoxo, The Author

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