Chapter 9

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Grayson carried me into his car and we drove to his house. It was now dark outside, probably 8pm. I was still affected from the drug so I was feeling out of it and passed out the whole car ride. I assumed we were at his house because he unbuckled me and carried me to his room. There was some people at his house, probably Ethan's friends so he made sure to not let anyone know we were home. He laid me down on his soft bed then left the room, and came back with a bottle of water.
I suddenly felt something in my stomach and I immediately ran to his bathroom and threw up in the toilet. He came in after me and put my hair to the side and gently patted my back. I sat on the floor next to the toilet just looking down. We stayed there in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence.

Then he finally spoke up "here's some water and an Advil. You should take it" he hands it to me

I got it from his hands and took the medication. I didn't understand why he was being so nice to me, this is the first time he has helped me with anything. I looked up at him and he was just playing with his fingers.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I chocked out.

"I- I don't know" he looks down at the floor.

Then he ran his hands through his hair "I guess I feel like what happened tonight was my fault"

I looked at him "but you didn't do anything, you saved me" I said gently. I was very grateful that he came. I don't know what would have happened if he didn't, but I tried not to think about it.

He got up and started pacing around then repeatedly punched the wall. "Fuck, fuck, fuck" he continued yelling under his breath as he was punching the wall.

I quickly got up and rested my hands on his shoulders and he quickly relaxed. Then he continued "if I didn't drag you with me none of this would happen" he said gently

I turned him around so now he was facing me completely. I cupped my hands on his cheek and looked him dead in the eye "Hey, none of this is your fault. Stop blaming yourself"

I don't know what came over me but I put my arms around his torso and hugged him. He was a little taken back but he slowly put his arms around me and returned the hug. It was a strange feeling, but it also felt comforting. I don't know why I'm feeling this way, his embrace was warm and soft. For the first time I actually felt safe with him. I've never experienced this feeling and I was confused. I guess I felt bad because he was putting this on himself. I wanted him to know that it was ok.

I felt the same feeling in my stomach and ran to the toilet and puked. Grayson laughed "I'll go get you your hoodie" and he left.

When I finished I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth. I splashed cold water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror, thinking about what just happened. My cheeks were flushed. I got out of the bathroom and I was in Grayson's room now, I have never been inside his room. I looked around and explored a little. His room was big and nice. I looked out the window to take in the view when he walked in with my hoodie and leggings, I was still in my dress.

"Here, I'll let you change. I will be downstairs" he hands me my clothes and left.

I changed and folded the dress. I kept it on Grayson's bed then I head out to go downstairs. When I walked downstairs Lisa was in the living room with Grayson, Ethan, Cameron, my mom, and my sisters. They were all talking and watching tv.

"Oh I didn't know you guys came in" Lisa said looking at me

"Yea we came about 20 minutes ago" I sat on the couch between my sisters.

"Did you had fun, what did you guys do today" my mom said

I was looking at Grayson and he had a little worry in his eye, then turned my attention back to my mom "nothing much we just went to the movies and got ice cream after" I shrugged taking some popcorn from Madison's hand and poped it in my mouth.

"How was the mall" I said trying to change the conversation.

"It was great, and I bought you some things" Diana said.

"Oh cool cant wait to see them" I got up and went to the kitchen. I didn't really feel like talking so I just wanted to get out of there. I opened the fridge and when I closed it Grayson was behind it, scaring me. I jumped and he just smiled.

"Thanks for not telling them" he rested his back in front on the fridge,with his hands in his pocket.

I didn't say anything, instead I noticed the bruises that was on his hand. I quickly took it and examined it "oh my god, we need to get that cleaned"

"No it's ok, it doesn't hurt anyway" but I ignored him and went under the sink for the first aid kit.

I took his hand and cleaned it with rubbing alcohol, and he winced a little. "Sorry" I mumbled.
Then I went ahead and wrapped it around his hand so he could heal. He kept starring at me, but I just concentrated on his hand.

Grayson's POV: (lol finally)

She was cleaning my wound when I couldn't help but stare at her. I was thinking about what had happened today, I still think I was responsible for it. All these years I have hurt her, she is strong and she doesn't even know it.
Now that I think about it I don't know why I hated Kaitlynn, I guess I liked the power I had over her. But now I realize how wrong I was, today kind of opened my eyes to see things differently.
Now that she was up close I never realized just how beautiful she was. Her long brown hair that always seemed to be naturally wavy, her light brown eyes that always had a sparkle to it. How her nose scrunches up when she concentrates, or when she smiles and that little dimple she had was visible.
Oh my god what is wrong with me, I need to stop thinking these things. I want to try and put an effort and be her friend. I want to get to know this girl, why am I feeling this way. Since when did I care, I need to stop.

She finished with my hand and put the stuff away. We just looked at each other when Ethan walked in, looking confused.

"Uhhh Kaitlynn your mom called you, you guys are leaving" Ethan said not keeping his eye off me.

She smiled at him then looked back at me "ok bye guys, see you" and she left.

Ethan came over at my side "you wanna tell me what's going on"

"What do you mean she was just helping me" I walked pass him but he blocked me

"Since when do you let her help you, did something happen today" he looked at me concerned

"Not now Ethan" I didn't feel like talking. I got out of the kitchen and went upstairs to my room and closed the door. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, what a day. I looked at my bed and there was the dress that Kaitlynn was wearing. I took it and put it in my closet, Cameron was going to return it but I'll just give it to Kaitlynn. It looked good on her anyways. I laid on my bed and went through my phone for a little, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened today.


Authors Note: hey, Happy Fourth of July🎉. I hope you liked this chapter, I felt like it was ok :/ . I finally did a Grayson POV so ya. I might not do a lot of those, but we'll see. Give this chapter a vote and comment
                                         Xoxo, The Author

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