Chapter 10

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Kaitlynn's POV:

I was downstairs eating breakfast, while scrolling through my social media. It was now the next day and today is Saturday so we have no school. I didn't have to hang out with Grayson today and tomorrow since it was the weekend. I was actually kind of happy, I didn't know what to think after what happened last night. Would things be awkward? Or would he go back to his old ways? I didn't want to think about it

Today is going to be a nice day. I actually have plans with jazzy and Jason. we are sleeping over at Jason's and we are also going to the mall. It's a nice day to just chill and hang out with your best friends. Plus we have a lot to catch up on.

I was still thinking about random stuff when Jason called me. "Hello" I put my phone on my ear

"Kaitlynn, where are you. You where supposed to meet at my house" Jason said

I looked at the time and realized I was 10 minutes late "holy shit, I'm sorry I didn't keep track of time"

"It's ok, we'll be waiting. And don't forget to pack for the night" he hung up

I put my plate in the sink and ran upstairs to get changed. I just wore a t-shirt that had angels on it, with some ripped jeans. I kept my hair out because it was naturally wavy. I packed my stuff for the night then took one last look at my room to make sure I had everything.

Everyone in the house was still sleeping except for my mom who was in the living room reading a book

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Everyone in the house was still sleeping except for my mom who was in the living room reading a book.
I waved at her telling her I was leaving "bye mom, I will see you tomorrow night"

She looked up from her book and nodded "Bye honey, have fun"

I went outside and opened my car door. I started my car and began driving to Jason's house. A little while latter I pulled up in front of his house. I saw that jazzy's car was in his driveway so I went up to the front door and knocked.

Jason opened the door almost immediately "Finally, I was starting to think you forgot about us" Jason laughed and let me inside

"What I could never, and I was only 15 minutes late" I rolled my eyes

I looked at Jason and noticed he wasn't ready "so you complain about me being late when you aren't ready" I smirked

"Shut up, I'll only be a minute" he said playfully and went upstairs

I went to the living room and find jazzy playing with Jason's dog "hey Jazz" I went up to her and hug her

"Finally you're here, I seriously need to get a manicure and you were holding us up" she joked

"Oh come on you'll survive" I laughed

Jason's dog Lexus was barking at me wagging his tail. I bend down to pet him "I missed you too Lexus"

Right then Jason came down the stairs "alright guys let's go"

Before we reached his front door He turned around and looked at us "oh and I'm not driving, I hate it"

"I'll drive, let's take my car" we walked up towards my car and got in. I started driving towards the mall and Jason turned up the radio

We were all jamming to the songs and screaming on top of our lungs with the windows down. Everyone we drove past were literally looking at us like we were crazy but we didn't care. We pulled up to the parking lot and got out.

"Can we go get our nails done first" Jazzy said. And we ended up walking to the nail salon, that was inside the mall.

We all got manicures and pedicures. We were just chilling talking about random stuff while they were doing our nails. Jason just got his hands and nails clean with clear nail polish, jazzy got blue colored acrylics on her hands and blue polish on her toes. I got pink acrylics with gold glitter on my hands and a pink polish on my toes.

We all admired one another's nails before paying and heading to the food court to get a snack

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We all admired one another's nails before paying and heading to the food court to get a snack. We settled on this pretzel restaurant called Auntie Anne's.When we got it we sat on the chairs to talk. Then Jason asked something that sent shivers down my spine

"So how was your day with Grayson" He looked at me

"Horrible we were supposed to be bonding but instead he dumped me at a club with him because his friends were there" I said taking a bite of my cinnamon stick

Jazzy almost chocked on her drink " he did what now" looking at me

So I told them the whole story about us walking in to the club, me drinking and meeting Allison, a guy drugging me to rape me, and Grayson saving me. They both listened to the story with shocked expressions on his face.

"I honestly wouldn't know what to do if Grayson hadn't shown up" I continued

They both paused for a second not saying anything, and I was beginning to regret telling them. They are my best friends and I tell them everything but what would they think, will they judge me?

That's when jazzy spoke up "oh my god, that's horrible I'm so glad you are ok though"

"Yes thank goodness Grayson showed up but he shouldn't have took you there in the first place"Jason said

"True but now I'm just confused" I said looking down on my drink

"What do you mean you are confused" Jason looked at me in curiosity

So I told them what happened when we got home. How he took care of me, how he was gentle and how I felt safe. What I was feeling in that situation, which I'm going to be honest with myself, I don't know what I was feeling

"I mean, what if he goes back to being rude, what if he goes back to his old ways and everything he did was for nothing" I said looking at them

"For some reason I doubt that, maybe he has changed. This is the first time he has shown any emotion to you" jazzy was squinting in thought

"I have a feeling that something good is going to come out of this" Jason said

I sighed and played with my straw wrapper "maybe, I don't know"

"I know what will cheer you up, shopping" Jazzy squealed. I couldn't help but laugh.

We got up and started walking around the mall, from store to store buying things and trying them on. We were having fun and was just goofing around when I heard a voice calling my name.

"Kaitlynn? Is that you"


Authors Note: hey, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and had a good Forth of July. Lol I was up all night watching Stranger Things. Anyways give this chapter a vote

                                       Xoxo, The Author

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