Chapter 29

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Today is the last day we are staying in California and Grayson had asked me to go out on a date with him. The date was going to be today at 8 and it was 12 so we have plenty of time. Today we are just going to the beach with the Dolans, my mom and sisters. Dad and Jessica are already on their honeymoon somewhere so we are just taking the time to enjoy this last day of California. I but on my red two piece swimsuit and left my hair in a messy bun.

I put on a coverup and grabbed my phone so I could head downstairs to the lobby

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I put on a coverup and grabbed my phone so I could head downstairs to the lobby. Everyone was there except the twins. Lisa has said that they were already there with Cameron. We walked to the beach and I saw Grayson and Ethan messing around in the water. My mom laid down a beach towel next to Lisa. When they saw us they came out of the water to meet us. Grayson licked his lips when he saw me and winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes playfully.

"Did you guys put sunscreen" Lisa said to the twins.

"Yea mom" Ethan took a water bottle out of Sean's cooler

"Kaitlynn sweetie you need to put on sunscreen too, you too Madison" my mom handed me a bottle

"I can help you with that" Grayson winked at me

My cheeks turned pink and our moms were looking at us in confusion

"Thanks I got it" I snorted

Madison threw sand on Diana's back and started laughing.

"Madison Stop. I'm trying get a tan" Diana yelled.

I sat down next to my mom putting sunscreen while they argue and Lisa trying to calm them down. Ethan was eating a sandwich and a seagull was trying to chase him.

"Just give it the damn sandwich" Grayson yelled

"No, it cant have it" Ethan was running to the ocean so the seagull won't get to him. But I guess they could swim or something because now there was about 6 seagulls attacking Ethan for his sandwich.

"Ethan let it go, you can get another one" Sean yelled

"Noooo, it's my sandwich" a seagull finally got Ethan's sandwich when a huge wave took him down.

"This is why we cant do anything fun" Lisa scuffed.

Cameron and my sisters were just laughing their asses of while everyone else scowled Ethan. While everyone was busy Grayson came by my side and smacked my ass when no one was looking.

"Grayson!" I threw a towel at him

He just gave me an innocent cheeky smile. "Let's go for a swim and get away from them" he whispered

He took my hand and we ran towards the water. "Look what I found" he led me behind some huge rocks/boulders in the water. It was blocking the view from the beach and we couldn't see our parents. There was a cave with a tiny waterfall. We swam towards a rock and he showed me some pearls that was left behind probably from clams. We swam deeper into the cave and the waterfall was beautiful. The water was an aqua blue color but it was also crystal clear.

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