Chapter 25

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The whole night we all were just enjoying the fun of the festival.We went on so many rides and participated in contests. I was getting close with Grayson and I could see Hunter was getting a little pissed. I couldn't help but feel guilty, I reminded myself to talk to him about our relationship because I honestly don't feel committed to it. I like hunter a lot and he is a nice guy but I don't feel that spark between us.

The fall festival was over and I was now at home watching Riverdale. My mom was sleeping because it is 1am and Madison is sleeping over at a friends house. It was raining really bad outside. Just when they were about to reveal the gargoyle king the doorbell rung. Just great, Who could come here at this time. I thought I should just ignore it but whoever it was had no intention of leaving. I paused the tv and forced myself to open the door.

"Hunter what are you doing here?" I opened the door wider so he could come in

"I couldn't stop thinking of us, I had to come here" he sounded out of breath

"What do you mean" I lead him to the living room and we sat down

"What's going on between you and Grayson" he said taking me by surprise

"What" I whispered. How did he found out

"Kaitlynn please don't play dumb with me, I know there's something between you guys. I just want to understand." His voice cracked

"Hunter" I moved closer to him "I'm sorry, I was going to tell you but I didn't know what to do"

He stayed silent "just explain"

"Not long ago I realized I had feeling for Grayson. I tried so hard to push them aside but I just couldn't."

He cut me off "so you just used me"

"What no I would never. I actually liked you hunter. I have grown to adore you, but I can't be in this relationship if I have feelings for someone else" I held his hand

He finally looked me in the eye "I understand"

"Wait- you what" I stuttered

"I knew there was something between you guys even before we dated. When you two were together there was a connection. Everyone knew it. But I didn't want to believe it because I liked you, so I asked you out hoping you would feel something for me. I was so happy when you said yes, and trust me I will always like you but I'm fine with being friends" he smiled

"Hunter I have no idea what to say" I honestly don't, I cant believe he's chill about this. He is so understanding and I couldn't ask for a better friend

"Don't say anything just listen. You changed Grayson to be a better version of himself. You make him vulnerable and I haven't seen Grayson like that ever. I'm sorry for getting in the way of you two, I just though we could have a chance" he sighed

"Hunter I appreciate everything you just said. I am so lucky to have someone like you who cares for me. I just feel so guilty." he pulled me in for a hug and I whispered on his shoulder "Thank you for understanding"


A week has passed and I was now at the airport with Grayson and his family getting ready to leave for California. Even though Hunter and I have broken up we are still really good friends. I like how we aren't awkward or any tension between us like how breakups usually go. As for Grayson and I, it's complicated. We both know we like each other, and we are really flirty but none of us had made a move yet. I guess we never really found the right time, or we are both scared.

The flight to Los Angeles, California is boarding now. Please make your way to the gate. I heard the intercom go.

We all made our way to the gate and took our seats inside the plane. Lisa and my mom were in one seat behind us. Sean and Ethan were in the seat next to them. Madison is in the seat in front of them, lucky she gets to have space for herself. And me and Grayson were in the seat across from Madison, I was in the window seat. My mom changed her mind about not coming. She's still not going to the wedding but she wanted to be in California with us.

If you don't know I hate flying so when we started to make our way up on the air, I started panicking.

Grayson noticed and chuckled "scared of flying"

"What I'm- I'm not s-scared" I tried to be brave

"Then why are you shaking" he smirked

"Because um- I'm excited" I shut my eyes closed

That was when I felt the plane start shaking and I completely freaked out. "WHAT'S GOING ON, ARE WE GONNA CRASH"

"Kaitlynn calm down, you are embarrassing us" Madison rolled her eyes

That's when the plane stoped shaking and the captain spoke through the intercom "everything is fine, we just went through a little turbulence. The rest of the ride will go smoothly, sit back relax and enjoy your trip"

"Relax?!! How the fuck am I supposed to relax" I yelled at the intercom. I didn't even realize I was loud until everyone in the plane were giving me death stares.

"Kaitlynn, be quiet" my mom whispered, kicking my seat

I slouched down my seat and I caught Grayson holding in a laugh.

"Shut up" I playfully hit him and he ticked me. We were trying to tickle each other. We started getting in an argument until Lisa spoke. "Guys calm down you act like 5 year olds"

"Leave the lovebirds alone" Ethan smirked

"Oooh lovebirds I didn't see that coming" Sean smiled

"Oh you guys are a couple, why didn't you tell us" my mom gushed

"I'm surprised they even got along" Lisa said

"What do you think happened" Madison turned to them

"Guys we're right here" I scuffed

"Reminds me of the young days when we were helplessly in love" Lisa smiled looking at Sean

"Guys you do know we are here right" Grayson spoke. They just ignored us. They are talking about us like we weren't even there.

"I would have liked it if you told me that you were a couple" my mom frowned

"We are not a couple mom" I raised my voice slightly. They can frustrate me.

"Yet" Grayson winked at me

"Awhhhhh" our parents gushed

"Ewwwww" Ethan and Madison said

I just turned around in my seat and ignored everyone. I looked out the window and for a moment I forgot we were in a plane. I was breathing heavy because we were so high up, I was overwhelmed. I felt a hand interlock with mine and I look down to see Grayson holding it.

He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. "It's ok, I'm right here"

I felt my cheeks grew pink and I got a little closer to him. I was laying on his shoulders with our hands still together. He kissed my forehead and cuddle with me. I felt comfortable and safe. My eyelids grew heavy as I felt myself falling asleep in his arms.


Authors Note: hey babies. I hope you like this chapter like I did. 5k Reads already I love you guys 💕ShOulD I wRiTe SmUT, cause I think I might write it in the next chapter 😜 give this a vote.

                                      Xoxo, The Author

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