Hearthstone x Greek!Reader

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Welcome to my book of PJO/HoO and Magnus Chase one shots. Most of these will either be based off of a song or have a song to go with the one shot. First up is my fav Hearthstone.

Also if any of the ASL is wrong please let me know!

By Christian Paul

Hearthstone has taught himself from a young age how to guard his feelings. Dealing with his father's cruelty after his brothers death forced him to be strong. Along the way, he found room for Blitzen and Magnus, but he never allowed anyone else to get close to him, until the day you showed up.

Normally, the Norse and Greek demigods don't mingle. One day, Annabeth and Percy met up with Magnus and his crew. The couple decided to bring you along. The moment Hearth laid his eyes on you, his heart began to pound in his rib cage. He was sure he was a blushing mess.

He just hoped you would accept him for the way he is.

Everyone's initial reaction to seeing that Hearth spoke in sign language was judgement. Everyone wanted to ask questions. A select few people would mock him, but you were different. 

When you noticed Hearth's disability, you embraced it with open arms, asking him to teach you how to communicate with sign language. A weight felt lifted from his shoulders.

A few months later, the two of you had grown close. Even though Chiron and Sam warned the two of you about the difficulties that could result from your friendship, you and Hearth remained friends. The challenges didn't matter to the two of you.

Hearth signed to you a question that has been on his mind since he met you. 

He put his thumb up to his chin with his index finger pointing towards you and bent it twice. 

"Who?" You asked. He nodded and continued.

Next, he faced his palm towards you and pushed forward.

"Your?" He smiled and continued.

Finally, he faced his palm towards you. He placed his thumb next to his mouth/cheek and then raised it to the side of his head, close to his eyebrow.

You thought about it for a second, before you figured out what word he wanted to relay to you. "Parent?"

Once again, he nodded. His beautiful locks bounced on his head as he did so. You slowly spelled out Apollo as you said your father's name. You continued to sign the best you could. "God of healing and the sun."

Hearth tried to talk around what he wanted to say next with the words he had already taught you. Slowly, he explained to you about everything he went through with his father and feeling like an outcast in his home and community because of his disability. 

"Hey, you don't have to feel like an outcast with me. I'll always accept you for who you are. Whatever happens, you know that I got your back." You put a hand on his shoulder.

He looked at you with sad eyes. Can't you heal my ears as a child of Apollo? 

"I'm not sure, but I don't know why you would want to change who you are, Hearth." 

He blushed a little and held up his hand with is pinky, index finger, and thumb out. He continued on. And you deserve someone who is normal. Not broken.

You smiled sadly, holding up the same "I love you" sign as he did before. "It doesn't matter to me that you're deaf. It's a part of who you are. I love everything about you Hearthstone. There's nothing you need to change about yourself. I fell in love with you just the way you are."

Hearth grinned and signed. Sorry, I didn't hear that. Repeat?

You shoved him playfully. "You can't hear anything, you sarcastic dork! And that's..." You slowly put together the correct  signs. You put your hand next to your head, palm facing towards you, and curled all of your fingers, besides your pinky, twice: why. You pointed to Hearth next. Then you made two "okay" signs with your hands and touched them together: perfect.

He signed, Can I kiss you?

You signed back, Of course.

After months of waiting, Hearthstone was finally able to kiss the person who was always on his mind. He was able to kiss the first person he ever loved, in a non-platonic way. Both of you smiled into the kiss as your lips met.

Your different backgrounds didn't matter. Hearth's deafness wasn't an obstacle. The only thing that mattered was that now you had him and he had you. Whatever happens, you know that he's got your back, and that you're both strong enough.


Well that was shorter than I intended for it to be, but, hey, I finally started the book I've been wanting to publish for months.

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