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The first drops of rain pelting against the window of the store don't take Yoongi by surprise. The clouds have been rumbling for a while now, like his stomach, but that's beside the point.

Yoongi sighs, scrolling through his twitter feed mindlessly. He comes across a picture of someone he used to know. His fingers hover over it for a minute, he shakes his head and locks his phone.

It's almost midnight. His shift's starting soon. It's his first day so he decided to come a bit early.

The store is empty save for him and Jungkook, who's in the back room getting changed out of his work attire. Yoongi hopes it stays that way so he won't have to deal with people anymore than he likes.

That's the reason Yoongi decided to take the graveyard shift in the first place. His previous job at the bar fired him for, well, not doing his job as well as he should, he supposes. Thankfully Jungkook landed him a job at a GS25 store close to his apartment 'cause the previous guy quit.

Yoongi is deep in his musings when the door of to the back room opens. He looks up to see Jungkook tugging the hood of his sweatshirt on his head. "Ah shit," he hisses under his breath, "I knew it was gonna start raining soon."

Yoongi hums. Jungkook sighs and comes to stand in front of him. "You gonna be okay, hyung?," he asks. Yoongi isn't surprised to see the genuine concern in his eyes. Jungkook is one of the very few people who know Yoongi on a personal level.

He manages a small smile. "Yeah, Kook. I'll be fine. Be safe on your way home, okay?"

Jungkook returns the smile brightly and pats him on the shoulder once, "I will. See you tomorrow, hyung."

"Yeah," Yoongi nods and waves at Jungkook as he walks out the door. 

Yoongi's smile drops as soon as Jungkook leaves. He knows Jungkook understands him to a certain degree, but sometimes he can't help but feel guilty for always putting sort of a damper on things. 

The kid's going through a breakup and Yoongi hates himself for not being as supportive as he should be. He'll start working on it.

It's always one thing after the other, then the other, then the other and the shitty cycle just goes on and on. The light at the end of the tunnel just keeps getting further away as soon as Yoongi takes a step ahead. One step forward, a hundred back.

In the first two or so hours of the shift only a handful of people come and go. A couple comes and buys a ton of ramen and gummies. A middle aged man, who looks to be going home from work comes and buys a packet of cigarettes and a bottle of coke. Three teenage boys come and snicker for no apparent reason while surfing the aisles, only to buy two packets of chips. And the occasional truck driver buying unhealthy amounts of canned coffee and energy drinks.

And a woman who he's pretty sure was a gang member, just tosses a handful of more cash than needed on the counter and takes a whole pack of beer straight from the rack. 

Yoongi just floats through it. Not really there. He tends to do that alot.

It's not until later in the night that something finally catches his attention.

He's flitting through a manhwa Jungkook recommended, when the automatic doors opens with a whoosh and he frowns at the cold air that lets in.

A familiar voice humming under it's breath is what causes his head to snap up so fast he almost gives himself whiplash.

Yoongi stares at the boy who just entered with wide eyes. He's just as breathtaking as he remembers.

Park Jimin. So bright, so pretty, so gentle, so kind and so, so...taken.

Yoongi swallows hard and hides his face behind the manhwa as if that's gonna be his saving grace.

He steals a glance at the boy who's standing in the snacks aisle and immediately regrets it 'cause he probably looks like a fucking creep.

All he gathers is that, Jimin still has pink hair, he's wearing a black leather jacket, a tight black shirt, black leather shorts with fishnets and black boots. And, holy shit, is that a septum piercing?

Okay so his style definitely hasn't changed, that's for fucking sure.

Before he knows it, Jimin's standing in front of the counter and clearing his throat and yup, Yoongi is totally God's least favorite child.

Yoongi puts the manhwa down and Jimin's eyes widen. Yoongi smiles like it's physically paining him to do so. And yes, that's definitely a septum piercing. He got another tattoo too, a small rose on the side of his neck.

"Yoongi hyung?," Jimin says, surpirsed. Just hearing his voice is enough to make Yoongi wanna slam his head into the nearest hard surface available. 

Because Jimin looks like he just came out of a fashion catalogue and Yoongi looks like a hasn't had sleep for three days (he hasn't).



yup, another flop. Ah shit, here we (i) go again.

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