~twenty seven~

678 45 13

It's cold.

That's the first thing Yoongi registers when he gains consciousness. Strangely enough, nothing hurts like he expected it to. He just feels a bit disoriented. Glancing around, he's surprised to see he's in the car, not in a motel room. 

He sits up and looks around. Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung are asleep in the backseat. The latter hugging the Pikachu plushie. Jungkook's in the middle and Jimin has his head leaned against the car window. Seokjin's not in the car with them.

Yoongi looks at the dashboard in front of him to see that his phone and camera are placed on it. He's not sure where his bag is. He reaches forward and grabs his phone, pressing the power button to see that it's currently 11:32 p.m. He assumes they left the fair around 8 or something. 

Yoongi doesn't remember much of it. Maybe the pills he took messed him up and made him so sleepy he literally got knocked out by them in a matter of minutes. Yeah that's probably what happened, he thinks.

Yoongi looks out the window and sees that they're parked outside a pharmacy, so he assumes Seokjin is in there. He pops open the door, stepping out. Shrugging his jacket closer to himself he closes the door slowly as to not wake his younger friends up. 

Just when he's contemplating going inside the pharmacy and maybe shoplifting the same bottle of pills he left home, Seokjin walks out the doors, a plastic bag with the pharmacy logo printed on it in his hand. When his eyes land on Yoongi he falters a bit, but comes to stand beside him. 

"Hey," he says, taking in Yoongi's form, "How're you feeling?"

Yoongi runs a hand through his hair, thinks he needs a shower, and replies, "Fine, I guess." He shifts his weight on his right foot, "If you're gonna ask what happened, don't, 'cause I'm not sure either."

Seokjin huffs out a little laugh, "Mhm. Let me guess. You were feeling extremely dizzy and your head hurt like a bitch. Probably 'cause of the pills you haven't been taking. So, you took some cheap and less efficacious alternatives without knowing what the result of them would be," he states in one breath. 

Yoongi stares at the older for a whole minute, before the corners of his lips curl up into a small smile, "Damn. That's actually spot on," he comments and fishes out his pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "So, what happened after I got knocked out?"

"Well, me and Tae had to drag you out of the place. After getting in the car, they all kept asking me what happened. I knew, of course, but I didn't tell 'em. Just said you were probably dehydrated or something," Seokjin explains, "They bought it, but were still very worried. Jimin looked unconvinced though. You're up for one hell of a questioning when he wakes up. "

Yoongi hums around his cigarette, lighting it up and taking a drag. Of course, Yoongi thinks. The younger probably sees through ninety per cent of his bullshit. But never asks anything, bless his heart. "What've you got there?," Yoongi asks, pointing to the bag in Seokjin's hand.

The older fishes through the bag and throws a pack of basic painkillers at him that Yoongi barely manages to catch. "So something like this doesn't happen again," he says. 

Yoongi blows out a puff of smoke and stuffs the painkillers in his pockets, "Thanks," he mumbles. 

Seokjin doesn't say anything for a while. Yoongi looks around to see a man walking out the pharmacy, a car rolling past them, a group of young boys and girls getting out of a taxi and heading into a liquor store next to the pharmacy. 

"Yoongi?", Seokjin says, tentatively, carefully. 

Yoongi hums to let him know he's listening. 

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