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a long one. soft bro talk hours


Jimin and Seokjin weren't always estranged. Jimin doesn't remember when it started. Maybe when Jimin decided to change up his style when he started high school to express himself better. Seokjin was wary of it but, he gradually started to accept it.

Of course Jimin got the occasional snide comments here and there, it was expected. But his brother's classmates started to mock Seokjin too. It was a case much worse than Jimin's, something he still doesn't understand. Jimin supposes that the people in Seokjin's class were just meaner.

Kids can be cruel sometimes.

Jimin knew of Seokjin's social anxiety. He'd known since he was in middle school. It's something his brother kept hidden from their parents. His mom was too busy with her own problems, his dad was an entirely different case.

Seokjin's anxiety started to worsen more and more as he grew up and after the whole Jimin thing it was kind of a breaking point. Seokjin never outwardly blamed Jimin, but Jimin's not an idiot, he knew his brother would never even want to be seen near him.

Before that whole fiasco, Seokjin used to hang out with Yoongi a lot. They were something close to best friends. Jimin knew Seokjin shared more stuff with Yoongi than with him. He's not gonna lie, it stung a bit. But he was happy that his brother found someone he could be comfortable with. Jimin should've been mad that his own brother was somewhat unaccepting of him. But he wasn't mad.

Jimin had introduced him to Taehyung and Jungkook too, both warm and welcoming individuals, but Seokjin was still a little reserved and stiff around them. Over time, he had grown a liking towards Taehyung, which was not lost on Jimin. But then Jungkook and Taehyung started dating and they drifted apart. 

When their mom basically abandoned them and their dad started getting drunk, having affairs with random women and not giving two shits about his sons, Seokjin told Jimin, Yoongi, Jungkook and Taehyung that he was leaving for Seoul to continue his studies there. 

Jungkook and Taehyung were sad, but Yoongi...he was heart-broken. Jimin would be too if the only person who seemed to fully understand you would leave you on your own.

That saw him and Yoongi drifting apart too, something he never thought would happen. 

He was worried about Seokjin too. With his anxiety, moving to a place where he knew absolutely no one sounds unnerving to Jimin. But his brother told him he was holding up just fine.

Some dark and contemptuous part of him tells him that maybe Seokjin is happier without the weight of Jimin looming over him, living freely in a place where people don't say he's a "fag" like his brother. 

He tries not to think about it but the thoughts tend to creep up on him more often than not.

When his brother called him saying he'd visit soon, he didn't know soon meant this soon.

Now as he stands on his doorstep staring up at Seokjin with wide eyes, the first feeling he can register is pure joy. 

"Jin hyung?"

"Hey, Jimin.", Seokjin says with a warm smile and Jimin throws his arms around him in a tight hug.

"Holy shit, hyung. I missed you so damn much!" Jimin says, words lost in a laugh. He feels Seokjin chuckle too as he wraps his arms around him too.

"I missed you too, Chim. Now are you gonna keep squeezing my ribs or are we gonna go inside?", the older asks, grin evident in his voice.

Jimin snickers and relents his hold on Seokjin so they can step inside the house, leaving their shoes on the rack beside the door. Their dad wouldn't be home at this hour, so they can actually move without holding their breaths and being on their tippy toes.

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