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The next morning sees Yoongi looking more out of it than last night. Jimin leans against the hood of the trunk of the car after dumping his and Taehyung's bag in it. Jungkook and Yoongi have gone to pay the motel owner for their stay. And Seokjin and Taehyung are already inside the car with the heaters on to combat the cold morning.

Jimin nibbles on his bottom lip while in deep thought, immediately regretting it as his healing split lip protests painfully.

Jimin isn't a pushy or invasive person, not needlessly. But he knows when something is not right. And right now, Yoongi isn't alright that's for sure. Jimin knows he should ask him about it, though he knows the older tends to clam up about certain things, and Jimin's too scared of pissing him off.

If he hadn't heard what he had last night, he'd be way less worried. 


~Last Night~

Jimin had been sleeping soundly after eating dinner. He insisted on taking the couch and making Yoongi sleep on the other bed, Taehyung already sleeping on the one next to the window. It wasn't easy convincing Yoongi, but after much insistence the older had acquiesced.

He'd been curled up on the couch using his jacket as a pillow, when he was awoken by a door opening. At first Jimin had thought it was just Taehyung or Yoongi going to the bathroom, but when he felt the frigid night air on his face, he realized it was actually the motel room door that opened.

The door didn't close completely, rather open just a fraction. Jimin rubbed at his eyes, and pulled the blanket down his chin. He looked at the beds to see Yoongi's empty. 

Jimin knew he should've just minded his own business and tried to go back to sleep. But then he heard Yoongi talking to someone.

"I'm alright, go back to sleep,"  his voice came through. But he wasn't talking to Jimin, that much was clear.

"Come on, Yoongi. You know you can't lie to me," sounded another voice. Familiar as anything. Seokjin.

Jimin's aware that eavesdropping is wrong, but he can't help but listen.

A sigh,"I know, hyung. But what we both know, is that there's a line between us now. You can't expect me to spill it all out to you after what you pulled that night." 

He's talking about the fight between the two, the day before his brother left for Seoul, Jimin noted.

An exasperated breath and some rustling, probably clothes. "Do you want me to apologize? I'm not the only one at fault, Yoongi."

A flick of a lighter, then a cigarette being lit. "No, I don't need an apology. We've been over this before. If you had just-"

"Don't try to pin this all on me." 

A moment of silence, the sound of smoke being exhaled harshly.

"It's not like you're gonna tell anyone else, so just," A pause, the sound of soles being scuffed on the ground, "Just, at least tell me what's wrong. I won't ask again."

Jimin shifted uncomfortably. He knew he's about to hear something he really shouldn't, something clearly private and strictly to be kept between Yoongi and Seokjin only. He should've just tried to go back to sleep.

"I forgot one of the bottles at home. That's all."

A sharp intake of breath, more shuffling. 

Jimin frowned. He doesn't understand. Well, he's not meant to, he supposed.

"Oh..um- I'll think of something I can do. I'm sure we can figure something out." Seokjin sounded worried underneath a mask of hopefulness covering his voice.

Jimin doesn't understand.  

A bitter scoff and some muttered words were exchanged which Jimin didn't catch. The sound of a cigarette being stubbed under a shoe, then the door of Seokjin's room being shut.

Yoongi entered the room after a few seconds, thankfully not noticing Jimin lying awake on the couch, and laid down on the bed, possibly fell asleep after that as Jimin didn't hear any shuffling.

Jimin stayed up the whole night, thinking over the words exchanged by Yoongi and Seokjin. 

He doesn't understand. 

Bottles of what?



"Bottles of what?," Jimin mutters under his breath.

The sound of Jungkook opening the car door brings him out of his thoughts and he pushes himself of the trunk. 

He gets in the car, this time sitting in the middle of Yoongi and Taehyung. He glances at the older to see him looking out the window. Seokjin pulls out of the motel driveway, and they're back on the road.

Jimin clears his throat, "Did you sleep well last night?," he asks Yoongi, keeping his tone as casual as possible.

Yoongi whips his head around and looks at him for a second before smiling, "I did. You?"

Jimin tries to smile too, though he feels terrible for lying to the older, "Me too, hyung."

Yoongi hums and goes back to staring out the window. Jungkook hands out breakfast snacks he got from the store earlier in the morning. 

"Hey, give me the honey butter chips," Taehyung tells Jungkook, reaching a hand forward.

Jungkook shakes his head, "No way, Kim. I want 'em. Consider this revenge for the nuggets yesterday."

Taehyung rolls his eyes, and settles for the barbecue flavored ones. "You're such a brat." Taehyung pauses after he says that, Jimin does too. It's because he once used to say that as a form of endearment, usually followed by a fond squeeze or peck to Jungkook's cheek.

Taehyung shakes his head and sits back in his seat, a pink tint to his cheeks that isn't there because of the cold. 

Jimin glances at Yoongi to find the older already looking at him. They share a knowing look before going back to sharing bag of chips. 

To dispel the thick tension in the air, Seokjin turns on the radio, faint mellow guitar chords sounding through. 

Somewhere in the way Yoongi's hand unconsciously slips into his. 

Jimin tries to ignore the big bright warning signs his brain is flashing at him and grips Yoongi's hand tightly in his. 


do you ever just cRy?

i know i do heh heh

i know i do heh heh

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