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Taehyung leaves Yoongi's apartment after lunch, followed by Seokjin and Jimin.

Jungkook had gotten into one more argument with Taehyung over the stuff they should bring. Taehyung had said they should pack light 'cause they'll mostly be on the road, stuffed in a car. But Jungkook said he'll pack loads of clothes and toiletries 'cause he doesn't wanna risk anything. 

It ended with Taehyung calling Jungkook a, Yoongi quotes, "paranoid Dora headass" and Jungkook telling Taehyung to not be pressed if no one wanna sits next to him in the car because he'll be smelling like, Yoongi quotes, "takeout that's going through it."

Seokjin broke them apart while Jimin and Yoongi tried not to laugh.

After that Jungkook gets bitter and sits in front of the tv playing video games while Yoongi retires to his room to sleep.

He checks his phone before sleeping, a usual habit, and sees Jimin has texted him when he reached home. 


Hey hyung!! 👋

I just wanted to say thanks again for last night 😊

I don't know what i would've done if it wasn't for you helping me out


It's alright Jimin

U don't have to thank me

I'll be here whenever u need me



And sorry for just passing out on ur couch like that adjkfgx

Oh!! and i also wanted to check if you're really fine with the trip tomorrow

It's totally cool if u don't wanna go 😊

I don't want u to feel pressured or anything

Yoongi sighs, Jimin really is too kind for his own good.


No, it's fine with me :)

I wanna go. It'll be fun


I'm sooo excited!!! 😁

See you tomorrow darling!! 🥰🥰

Yoongi wills himself to stop smiling like an idiot and falls asleep before his head even hits the pillow.


When Jimin and Seokjin get home, the first thing they do is snuggle up in Seokjin's room to watch a movie on his laptop. From the looks of it their dad won't be coming home anytime soon. Seokjin pauses the movie for a bit to get more popcorn from the kitchen, so Jimin checks his phone. The first thing that greets him is a series of texts and missed calls from his boyf-. No, his ex.


Jimin baby

I'm so sorry

I really am


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