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say the name


The first two or three hours of the trip are fairly peaceful. With Jimin and Jungkook talking excitedly about all the fun things they could do in Busan, Yoongi and Taehyung searching for motels they could stay in for the night in the way and Seokjin occasionally humming random tunes under his breath. 

Yoongi fiddles with his camera for a moment and finally decides to ask something that's been on his mind. "Hey guys, I've been um..meaning to ask you about something."

"Ask away," Taehyung says as Seokjin takes a turn to the left. 

"You know the film assignment I told you about, right?" He gets a collective hum of agreement in reply. "I was wondering like-uh, maybe I could film you all during the trip and in Busan for it. If you guys are okay with that, of course."

Jimin perks up next to him. "That's a good idea, hyung!," He says cheerily.

Jungkook nods from the passenger seat, "It's alright with me, hyung." Seokjin mutters an agreement.

Taehyung puts on his sunglasses and pushes his hair back exaggeratedly, "I've always wanted to be a filmstar." Jimin laughs at that and he hears Seokjin chuckle too.

Jungkook looks back at Taehyung and frowns, "I thought you wanted to be an concept artist."

Taehyung lowers his glasses and raises an eyebrow at the younger, "And what about it?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes and turns back muttering something along the lines of, "I'm just saying."

"Is there something in particular you want us to say or do, hyung?", Jimin asks, eyeing his camera with a curious gaze.

Yoongi, knowing Jimin would never ask himself, hands him the camera to look at. "No," he shakes his head. "Just forget I'm even filming and act naturally, as you normally would."

Jimin nods, handing the camera back to him carefully as if it would break under his touch. Yoongi smiles. "Got it." Jimin says.


"Can I turn on the radio?," Jungkook asks Seokjin a while later. 

It's almost afternoon now and they're looking for a cheap joint to eat lunch at. So far all they've seen are gas stations, run down apartments and bars. 

Seokjin shakes his head, "Not if you and Taehyung are gonna argue about the station. Which I know you most probably will."

Taehyung gasps indignantly, so does Jungkook. "I am..offended."

Seokjin smiles, "At least you didn't deny it.", he says, driving a bit slowly to scan the buildings and shops in the street.  Jimin giggles and Yoongi bites down a snort. 

In the end, Jungkook does turn the radio on and they settle on a station that just plays some chill beats and the occasional English r&b song. Taehyung suddenly perks up in his seat and points to a small fast food place, situated between a nail salon and a record store. 

Seokjin parks the car across the street and Jimin and Jungkook run to it before Seokjin has even killed the engine. Yoongi smiles at their antics and films the scene. Beside him Seokjin and Taehyung are lazily crossing the street chatting about something. Yoongi stays back for a while to film them and the street before Jungkook turns back and beckons him over with his hand. "You comin' hyung?" 

Yoongi nods and presses the pause button, following them inside the restaurant. The place is small but cozy. The walls painted a red and gray and the furniture following the same theme. It smells of fried chicken and something like spice Yoongi can't name. It's not too crowded either. A family of four seated in the middle and a group of young men sitting in the corner talking loudly. The waiters walking about cleaning a table that's just been unoccupied and serving the young men their drinks.

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