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~3 Years Later~

With a sigh, Jimin turns over in his bed to snooze his beeping alarm. The fluorescent 6:00 a.m glares at him from his comfortable position under the warm covers.

He groans, rubbing at his eyes as he runs hand through his chestnut brown hair. He's lucky the cafe is only twenty minutes away from his apartment complex. It opens at 7:00 a.m but Jimin goes early to clean and organize the equipment and handle package arrivals. 

Jimin sits up and stretches his arms. He looks at the bracelet on his wrist and fiddles with the little crescents. Begrudgingly, he kicks off the covers and trudges off to the bathroom. 

It's weird, how drastically everything can change in a matter of years. Three years ago Jimin's life had pretty much fallen apart, and in three years he built it up again with his own two hands. 

For starters, he had to drop out of uni, but he continued his job at it's cafe. Few months after that, he started doing a barista course at a more renowned cafe. During that time, all he did was spend hours and hours working overtime and doing multiple part time jobs at different places to earn his certificate and enough money to move out. 

That took over two years. His father stayed the same, though he started bugging Jimin less when he met some girl years younger than him. To this day, Jimin doesn't know her name, but he couldn't care less. 

As for Junghoon, him and Jimin met in the park two weeks after Yoongi left, and they talked for about two hours. In the end, they decided to part ways for good and forever, with only a sprinkle of harsh feelings.

The first thing Jimin did was buy an apartment when he'd accumulated more money than he's seen before in his life. Getting his stuff from his house to the apartment was easy enough seeing his father'd been gone for the better part of two weeks. In a few days, Jimin made an empty one room apartment into a home, his home.

Jimin also let his hair go back to it's natural brown color and got rid of his other embellishments. The clothes he adored so much had been stuffed to the back of his closet and haven't seen the light of day since then.  

It was around that time when Taehyung and Jungkook announced they'd be moving to Paris. It didn't shock Jimin that much, he'd heard them talk about it nonstop. The former had made quite a name for himself.

Seokjin had left for Seoul a few weeks after Yoongi did. 

Except for Seokjin on holidays, no one has visited since. Seokjin tells him he should move to Seoul too, Jimin tells him he's trying. He's been trying for years. 

After showering and getting dressed in warm clothes, Jimin feeds his cat, has a light breakfast and scrolls through the news on his phone. 

After breakfast and playing with his cat for a while, he hands her over to his neighbor, Nako, a friendly Japanese exchange student, to take care of and leaves for work.

At 6:45 a.m, Jimin reaches the cafe, turns on the lights, puts on his apron, sets up and cleans the tables, chairs and counters, and fills up the coffee beans.  

At 7:00 a.m the first part timer, Myungjoon, a long time co-worker and friend, arrives and customers start filing in. 

Between taking, preparing and serving orders, guiding the newbie and the part timers, the day passes by steadily.  

Aside from the morning rush, after lunch is when things get a little hectic.

A part timer wasn't feeling well so she went home, leaving Jimin and only a server to run things on their own. 

After calling out a dark chocolate mocha and a caramel macchiato, Jimin rushes to the counter to take the next order without even looking up. 

"What can I get for you?," he asks with a practiced ease, his voice pitched at a tone he's named his 'customer voice.'

The customer is quiet for a time long enough to make Jimin look up. 

The sight makes his breath and heart stop for a second, then start again at a speed that should be worrying. 

Same black hair, same sharp eyes, same pale skin. 

Jimin stares, the other does the same, though in a more composed manner.

Jimin blinks, swallows thickly, clears his throat. "Y-your order?"

Yoongi's mind seems to kickstart at that. "One medium Americano, iced. To go."

Jimin nods and punches in the order numbly, not sure if this is all some fever dream or something. "That'll be 2,340 won," he states, voice as shaky as his hands, as he hands Yoongi the receipt. 

Yoongi takes out his wallet and fishes out the bills, handing them over. Jimin takes them and says, without looking at Yoongi, "Your drink will be ready in a minute." And with that he rushes to the coffee machine without giving his mind the chance to catch up. He hastily slides the take out cup in the holder and walks back to the counter to see Yoongi waiting patiently. 

Jimin hands it to him without a word and Yoongi takes it with a muttered, "Thank you." His eyes lock with Jimin's, say a thousand words, yet nothing at all. 

Without another word, Yoongi turns around starts walking out the cafe.

In a daze, Jimin takes the next customer's order. 

But his eye catches something that makes a feeling close to relief settle in his chest. 

On Yoongi's wrist, there is a bracelet identical to Jimin's.


and yeah 

i blame cafe vlogs for this :D 

jimin changed so much didn't he? :( 

make sure to check out the outro <33

make sure to check out the outro <33

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