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Jimin groans as he's awaken from his sleep by his alarm going off. 

He sits up on his bed and snoozes it, stretching. He sits there gathering himself for a few minutes. So, maybe it wasn't a good idea to sneak out at 2 am for a late night date/snack run with Junghoon. 

Meh, at least he had fun. And had an actual conversation with Yoongi after months. He has the right to be at least a little bit mad at the older for acting like he doesn't exist, and leaving Jimin wondering what he did wrong.

But he isn't mad. Yoongi has his reasons, so does Jimin.

On the outside, Jimin might look like he has his shit together. However, his life is slowly falling apart right before his very eyes, and he can't do anything about it. 

He doesn't have many people left by his side. His mother left, so did his brother. He supposes he should be mad at Seokjin too. He isn't. If he could, he would've left too. 

So now Jimin's left in this ghost town, living with his alcoholic father who couldn't care less about him. At least he has the decency to pay Jimin's fees. Jimin can't be too ungrateful.

No one knows about his family situation, except Junghoon. Jimin didn't want him to know. When he found out, it wasn't pretty. It ended up in a nasty fist fight which Jimin had to break up.

When Junghoon left, it was Jimin's turn. That sure left him with a bruise or two, or three.

Since then, Junghoon tries to make sure Jimin spends as less time in his house as he can. Sure, Junghoon isn't remotely the nicest person around. Not at all, but Jimin trusts him. He's been there when no one else was. 

Suddenly, his phone buzzes with a text. Jimin picks up his phone from the nightstand. When he sees who the text is from a smile blooms on his face.

Yoongi hyung💜:

Hey :)


Hi hyung!! Good morning!😊

The response is instantaneous.

Yoongi hyung💜:

Good morning Jiminie

Shouldn't you be getting ready for class? 👀


i was just abt to!!

Btw that emoji is low key creepy 

Yoongi hyung💜:

👀 👀 👀



Why're you still awake?! 

Go to sleep!!

You've been up all night!

Yoongi hyung💜:

Yeah yeah i will

But i wanted to ask you something


Yes? 😃

Yoongi hyung💜:

Do you wanna hang out this evening?

I'm free between 7 and 8 pm

Only if you want to of course 

Jimin thinks about it for a moment. He would love to catch up with Yoongi. He'll have to ask Junghoon first though. He tends to get protective since that whole fiasco with his dad. He's sure he'll agree if Jimin tells him Yoongi's a dear friend of his.


Sure hyung!! 😄

How about the diner we used to go to? 

Yoongi hyung💜:

Sounds great

See you then :)

Jimin smiles widely and hops out of bed.

He gets dressed quickly when he sees the time. He hurriedly throws on a pair of ripped jeans and an over-sized hoodie, unfortunately having to skip out on accessories and makeup for today.

Jimin runs to the bathroom to brush teeth and wash his face. He checks his appearance in the mirror once last time. Good enough.

He grabs his bag and goes downstairs. He spots his dad in front of the tv, passed out drunk with bottles of alcohol on the floor beside the couch. Some empty, a few half filled.

Jimin sighs deeply and walks to the kitchen to find something for breakfast. His job at the university's cafe pays well enough so he can at least have some form of food in his stomach. He opts for just an apple and a glass of juice.

After a few minutes he gets a text from Junghoon that he's outside. He tosses the remains of the apple in the dustbin and goes to the front door, unlocking it quietly as to not wake his dad up.

He winces when the door creaks, steps outside, and shuts the door behind him.

Jimin turns around to see Junghoon in the car waiting for him. He smiles and jogs up to the car, hopping in the passenger seat. 

"Hey, baby.", Junghoon greets him with a smile and kiss on the cheek, which Jimin returns happily. "Sleep well?", he asks and starts driving to the campus.

Jimin sighs and shakes his head, "No, thanks to you."

Junghoon chuckles, "Sorry, baby. I know you had fun though.", he send him a wink.

Jimin grins, "Can't argue with that."

Junghoon smiles and takes Jimin's hand in his free one. 

Jimin hopes he never loses him.



i swear this ain't jimin X OC

now u know why junghoon is the way he is

lol who is "u" no one's reading this

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