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Ematophobia Warning.


Yoongi wakes up with a splitting headache and an uncontrollable urge to throw up. He gets out of bed and sprints to the bathroom, barely kneeling over the toilet and throwing up whatever the hell he ate and drank last night. 

He grimaces at the absolutely disgusting taste in his mouth and gets up on shaky feet, flushing the toilet before walking over to the sink to wash his mouth out.

Shit, he forgot to take his pills didn't he? Yoongi opens the cabinet over the sink and takes the three pill bottles out, downing an extra one. Won't hurt would it?

What even happened last night? He remembers going to Hoseok's party, seeing Seokjin and Junghoon with Jimin and running out the flat. Taehyung took him back inside and they drank a shitton of vodka and soju. It's blurry after that. Maybe Jungkook dragged his drunk ass back home.

God, he hopes he didn't do anything stupid.

He walks out of the bathroom and trudges over to the kitchen, seeing Jungkook already up. "Morning.", he grunts. 

Jungkook looks up from where's he's perched at the counter drinking what he assumes is coffee. "Morning, hyung. Hungover?" Yoongi nods, filling a mug with the leftover coffee. "Hoseok hyung's crazy for throwing a party on a damn Wednesday. People are even crazier for showing up."

Yoongi sips his coffee, sitting at the counter across Jungkook. "We're 'people' too, you know." Jungkook chuckles. "You didn't drink much, did you? Unlike me." He scoffs.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, "One of us has to be the responsible one, hyung. I literally had to drag you outta there, but you were clinging to Taehyung saying , 'Don't let him take me away brother.'"

Yoongi groans and buries his face in his hands, "Shit, no one saw that right?"

Jungkook grins, "You mean, Jimin didn't saw that, right?"

Yoongi's head snaps up and he throws what he hopes is an intimidating glare towards Jungkook, who's smiling, looking like he won the lottery. "I'm just kidding, hyung."

No he's not, that brat. "Don't you have a class to go to?" Yoongi asks, walking over to the fridge to look for something to eat.

"Nope. It got cancelled." Jungkook replies.

Yoongi hums, taking out a container of leftover kimchi he finds, eating it right away. They need to go grocery shopping soon. Speaking of grocery shopping, he has work at the convenience store today, he reminds himself and groans internally.

Jungkook shifts on the stool, not a good sign. "Can I ask you something?"

Yoongi nods, "Sure." He knows what's coming.

"Why did you run out like that yesterday?" Jungkook asks, hands fidgeting around the coffee mug.

Yoongi shrugs, eating the last of his cold breakfast. "Just needed to get some fresh air." The lie rolls easily off his tongue. Too easily.

Jungkook just nods understandably, but Yoongi knows he won't question him any further.

 He never does. Yoongi sometimes wishes he did.


Seokjin insists he drives Jimin to campus today, Jimin agrees. He doesn't have that bad of a hangover, just a little headache he takes a painkiller for.

He decides not to wear his usual choice of clothes for today, worried someone from Seokjin's old class might see him with his brother and cause unnecessary shit again. 

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