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Yoongi is nervous. 

He shouldn't be, but he is. Hell, he's pretty sure his hands are sweating.

The diner is vintage styled. He used to come here often with his friends. The smell of fried food fills his nostrils. Not unpleasant, but not that pleasant either. Soft music floats through the air. The Beatles, maybe. Not bad.

It's fairly crowded, Yoongi notes. Most of the booths are filled with young people, such as himself, laughing and chatting among themselves. He chose their regular booth which was fortunately empty. 

Yoongi shouldn't be nervous. This isn't a date or something. He knows Jimin, Jimin knows him. It'll be fine.

He frowns and picks up the menu to distract himself, even though he has it memorized because of the amount of times he's visited the place.

Someone clearing their throat has him looking up from the menu. And shit. How is Junghoon still alive?

Jimin smiles and sits down on the couch across him. "Hi, hyung! Did I keep you waiting long?"

Yoongi clears his throat and wills himself to not act like a fucking prepubescent boy on his first date. He shakes his head, offering a tiny smile, "No. No, you didn't Jimin."

Jimin looks as stunning as ever in a black denim jacket over a thin white shirt with a way to deep neckline so his collarbone tattoo is visible. The cursive Angel peeking outHe's wearing the same shorts this time, without the fishnets. Yoongi's not sure if that's better for his health, or worse. The septum piercing and the velvet choker around his neck isn't making things easier for him either.

Yoongi suddenly feels very underdressed in only a hoodie and pants.

God, he wonders how he used to survive around Jimin before. Jimin rests his elbow on the table with his chin propped up on his plam and glances around. "I haven't been here in forever. Brings back a lot of memories. Remember when Tae choked on his milkshake 'cause Jungkook made him laugh too hard," Jimin asks, grinning.

Yoongi chuckles, easing in. "Yeah. The lady behind the counter was about to call an ambulance."

Jimin giggles, the sound as endearing as ever. "Yeah, we traumatized her."

They laugh for a few seconds before Jimin sighs and smiles at him, something akin to reminiscence in his eyes. Comfortable silence lingers for a moment before Yoongi straightens up a little. "So, you ready to order?"

Jimin nods, "Yeah."

A waiter comes by to take their order, he knows them. "The usual?," he asks. 

"Yes, thank you."

He tells them he'll be back with their orders in ten minutes.

"How have you been, hyung?," Jimin asks, fiddling with the bracelet on his wrist. 

Jimin doesn't know about his condition, only the surface of it, maybe. Yoongi's not sure if he even remembers about it anymore. They never talked about it because it never really came up. That was something betweem him, Seokjin and later, Jungkook too. Perhaps that was, is, unfair. 

"I've been good. Same old," Yoongi replies, waving a dismissive hand around. "What about you?"

Jimin sighs, smiling. "I've been great, hyung. I- um, talked to Seokjin hyung a few days ago. He said he'll come visit soon."

He wonders why Jimin brought that into the conversation so early. Yoongi tenses for a moment before relaxing again. "Oh, really? That's good." 

Jimin's smile falters for a moment, but Yoongi catches it. "Yeah. How's Jungkook? You know..after the whole..", he trails off, gesturing with his hand.

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