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About fifteen minutes later a waitress walks over to their table and puts down their lunch. Yoongi immediately dives in for the fries before someone else (Taehyung) takes them all.

Taehyung and Jungkook reach for the same burger at the same time. Yoongi internally sighs. 

"Let it go, Kim. I grabbed it first." Jungkook says with an already withering glare, 'cause he's being stared at by Taehyung of course.

"No, you did not." Taehyung says simply, inching it closer to himself.

Seokjin groans, "Please, children. Can't we go at least five minutes without you two trying to kill each other?" He asks as Jimin hands him his soda.

Taehyung sighs before letting Jungkook have the burger, who grins in victory. 

Jimin and Yoongi share a secretive smile, both thinking the same thing no doubt. He'll talk with Jimin about this later.

"Did you find a motel nearby?" Jimin asks, sipping his soda. 

Yoongi nods, stuffing his face with fries, "There's one about an hour and a half away from here. Relatively cheap, but not completely busted either."

"That's good. We can get two rooms for the night." Seokjin says, stealing a fry from Jimin who pretends he didn't see it.

"I call dibs on sharing a room with Jin hyung. He's the only one who doesn't snore loudly", Jungkook states, raising a hand.

"I don't snore!" Jimin says with wide eyes. Yoongi smiles.

"I wanna share it with Yoongi hyung then," says Taehyung with a tone of finality.

Seokjin nods, "Okay, so me and Jungkook in one room and the rest in the other. Is that okay with everyone?"

They all mutter their agreements and the rest of the lunch goes without a hitch. After they've finished every last bit, courtesy of Seokjin and Jungkook, the waitress brings over their bill which they split up. It's not a perfect division so Seokjin pays a little more than everyone else, which they complain about but the older shrugs it off. 

After that, they all pile back into the car, though Jungkook lets Taehyung sit on the passenger seat without a word. 

"Hyung, I wanna see what you've filmed so far." Jimin requests in the way.

Yoongi scratches the back of his neck with a smile, "It's not much, Jiminie, barely fifteen minutes."

Jimin shrugs, "Oh, okay. But you gotta show me once you've got more footage, alright?" He says as he nudges Yoongi's shoulder with his.

Yoongi smiles and tells him that he will. 


Seokjin parks the car in the lot of the motel and kills the engine.

Jimin pops open the door and steps out of the car, stretching his limbs. He looks over the exterior of the motel. It's not bad, the kind of regular motels you see in the movies with the buzzing neon sign and single story structure. 

Behind him the rest of the boys step out and look around too. There's a store not to far from the motel, Jimin notes. About a ten to fifteen minute walk away. He keeps it in mind, as they'll have to get some form of dinner from there. Jimin and Yoongi decide to go book the rooms while the rest stay behind to lounge around the car.

Yoongi pushes open the door.  It's a small room a desk in and a middle aged man standing behind it. The walls are painted a cream color and the room smells of vanilla for some reason. The desk is littered with unorganized papers and two photo frames.

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