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At almost 7am Yoongi returns to his apartment. He shuts the door extra carefully as to not wake Jungkook up. Even though the younger has to get up in half an hour for his first class.

He tried living at the university dorms but he just couldn't. Plus, his dorm mate was messy as hell. So his parents agreed to get him an apartment not too far from campus. Jungkook begged to let him be his roommate and Yoongi begrudgingly agreed. The kid's cute and he has an extra room, so why not?

They became really close friends in a short amount of time. When Jungkook started dating Jimin's friend Taehyung, Yoongi was ecstatic that they all could be friends and hang out together. That lasted for about five months, then Jungkook and Taehyung broke up.

Too many disagreements and arguments, was what Jungkook told him. Now they're all back to square one. It sucks, really. Him and Taehyung would bitch about Junghoon together, it was fun.

Yoongi sighs and goes to his room. He goes to the bathroom, takes a shower and his pills and gets into bed. Finally.

He tosses and turns to find a more comfortable position to sleep in, but sleep just won't come to him. He supposes it'll take some time to get used to this new routine.

Giving up, he sits up and picks up his phone from the nightstand. Unlocking it, he's greeted by the sight of the conversation he was reading.

 It's just one text, he can do it. What should he even say. "Hey Jimin, i know i basically ignored your entire existence for months but do you wanna hang out or something? Also, break up with your boyfriend, i'm bored (and depressed.)"

Nah, that ain't it.

His fingers hover over the keyboard for a minute before he finally thinks fuck it and send a text.


Hey :)

He throws his phone down next to him and groans. This is gonna be a long day, might as well start it with a bang. He gets out of bed and trudges to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast for himself and Jungkook.

Eggs and toast will have to do. As he's filling up the mugs with coffee, Jungkook walks out of his room, yawning and running a hand through his messy bed hair, his phone in hand. He sits down at the counter, half asleep.

"Morning.", Yoongi greets, setting the plates and coffee mug in front of him.

Jungkook just nods. 

Yoongi sighs and sits down across him. "Hey, Kook? You know Jimin right? I saw him at the store yesterday. He talked to me like nothing ever happened, and it made me realize how much of an idiot i am."

"Like, how did i allow Seokjin leaving to separate us? I know the deal with you and Tae, but that's yours and his to work out. I know Jimin's taken but we can still be friends right? I can- i can live with that. So, i sent him a text a few minutes ago. We can be like we were before. Right?"

Yoongi looks up at Jungkook expectedly. 

Jungkook looks at him with raised brows. 

He takes one of his airpods out and asks, "I'm sorry, did you say something, hyung?"

Yoongi bangs his head on the counter.


lmao i have no idea how uni works 🤠

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