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Him and Jimin...it's more complicated than it has any right to be.

But that's just Yoongi being dramatic. 

Perhaps it all started when his (former) best friend Seokjin introduced him to Jimin. It was "MARRY ME" at first sight. Here's a list of reasons why, compiled by Yoongi, in his mind:


2. !!pink hair!!

3. baby chick

4. oh my fuck so soft

5. cutest smile and laugh ever

6. those goddamn outfits he wears 

7. that's basically it

Don't judge him.

What pisses him the hell off is that him and Jimin were actually going somewhere. Until Lee Junghoon came along and fucked it all up, that asshole. He has the most punchable face ever.

Yoongi, along with many other people, doesn't know what Jimin sees in that guy. Junghoon is mediocre at best. But for some reason, Jimin was and still is head over heels for him.

Anyways, when him and Seokjin fell out, he didn't see Jimin that much either. He basically avoids him at campus and the fact that Jimin is friends with Jungkook's ex doesn't help the situation at all.

So maybe it's morally incorrect to crush on a taken person. But he just can't help it. Not when Jimin's out here being his dream person and all that flowery shit.

So here he is now, standing in a store in his stupid work polo shirt and cap like an idiot, with Jimin right infront of him looking like an angel, like his collarbone tattoo says. Yoongi was there when he got it.

He's okay, he can do this. His mama didn't raise no bitc-

"Yoongi hyung, I didn't expect to see you here!", Jimin explains with a huge grin, hair damp from the rain.

Well, apparently she did.

Yoongi manages to let out a nervous laugh that sounds more like a cough and starts scanning Jimin's items so he doesn't have to look at him. It's a random and rather questionable assortment of snacks and candies. A pack of cigarettes too. Jimin doesn't smoke. Junghoon does.

"Uh- yeah, me too," he says. 

"I've seen you around on campus, but you never come up and say hi," Jimin says, pout evident in his voice. "You're not avoiding me, are you?," he asks, leaning forward a little with a smile. 

The lilt in his voice suggests that he's clearly teasing Yoongi, something he's always been fond of doing. But the fact that the answer to his question is yes, makes him feel like trash.

Yoongi fakes a scoff, "No, of course not, Jimin. I've just been busy with studies and well, this."

Jimin nods understandably. "Yeah, I get it. Oh, so does that mean you've started taking evening classes instead?"

Yoongi nods, bagging the last of Jimin's stuff. "That'll be 20,000 won." God, he wants to die.

Jimin smiles and hands the cash over, taking the bag from Yoongi. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask-"

The doors open, causing both of them to look over.

There he is, the fucking bane of Yoongi's existence.

Junghoon steps inside, shaking his head to let the droplets of rain out. He spots Jimin and comes up to him.

"Baby, what's taking so long, huh?," he says, and wraps an arm around Jimin's waist.

Jimin smiles, patting his arm once, "Nothing, I was just about to come back."

Jimin shoots Yoongi a grin and turns around, taking Junghoon's hand in his. "I'll see you around, Yoongi hyung!"

Junghoon shoots him a look that his has Yoongi's blood boiling and just like that they're gone.

Yoongi groans and buries his face in his hands. Shit, this is so, so wrong. Jimin seems happy with Junghoon and no matter how much Yoongi hates him, he doesn't have any right to interfere.

But seeing Jimin's smile directed at him again is messing with his head. He still has his number, they can still be friends like they used to be. Nothing's stopping him from hanging out with him.

He misses him, Jimin probably does too, even though Yoongi's payed him dust for about three whole months. He sighs and digs out his phone from his pocket, going to his contacts. The contact picture is of him and Jimin at the movies. That was a nice day. 

He reads the last conversation they had, months ago.

Jiminie 🐥:

Yeah i told him to fuck off 


The legend jumped out! 👑

Jiminie 🐥:


But seriously thanks for standing up for me yesterday


You don't need to thank me at all :)

Jiminie 🐥:


it's getting late

i sould probably get going

or Tae's gonna be pissy


ok. Good night Jiminie💜

Jiminie 🐥:

Good night darling 🥰

He wonders when Jimin stopped calling him that.

Yoongi closes his eyes and shakes his head. 

He can't do this. At least, not right now.


yo why did i cringe writing that Junghoon bit 😷

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