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It's a slow night at work, thankfully. 

A man came in earlier and bought two bottles of disinfectant, a bottle of bleach, duct tape, paper towels and beer cans.  

Sketchy, Yoongi thought. He's a cashier, not a detective, he reminds himself and rings the man up anyway. 

He's watching 'funny baby fail compilations' on his phone when the automatic doors open and he looks up to see Jimin walk in.

He puts away his phone, lest he embarrass himself with his interesting video choices. He didn't quite catch Jimin's face when he walked in, just a tuft of unmistakable pink hair. Yoongi can hear him surfing the aisles and he waits patiently. At least he doesn't look as bad as he did the first time Jimin came.

Jimin walks up to the counter, putting down a pack of alcoholic swabs and a box of band aids. 

Yoongi frowns but rings him up. "Hey, Jiminie. Saw you on campus today-not in like a creepy stalker way, you know. I talked to Tae yesterday and he told me Jin hyung said you-"

He pauses when he hears a sniffle. Yoongi looks up and his breath gets stuck in his throat, eyes widening. 

Jimin stands there with a bleeding bottom lip, a cut on his right cheekbone and a bruise on the left. 

"Shit, Jimin...what happened?"

Jimin bursts into tears.


~ A Few Hours Earlier ~

Jimin was still sitting on his bedroom floor, wiping away the occasional tear that slipped out of his eyes and down his cheek. Maybe he should try going to sleep, if that's even possible.

He has one of those terrible headaches you get after you cry too much. 

Post crying naps are pretty bomb, he supposes.

He stands up on shaky legs and is about to go to the bathroom when he hears a loud knock on the front door that makes him halt his steps. It can't be Seokjin, he texted Jimin about twenty minutes ago telling him he'd come home late since he decided to help their aunt out on the night shift at her ramen restaurant.

His dad wouldn't knock, he has the keys. Another loud knock resounds and he sighs, walking out of his room to go downstairs. He unlocks the front door hoping it'd just be some boy scout or a charity collector. 

But since this universe utterly despises him, it's Junghoon drenched in sweat despite the chilly weather. Jimin clenches his jaw and moves to close the door before Junghoon blocks it by putting his foot in the way.

"Fuck off, Junghoon!," Jimin shouts, maybe a bit too loudly but fuck if he cares.

Junghoon somehow manages to open the door and steps inside, he's always been on the muscular side. "Jimin, please just liste-"

"No! No, I don't wanna listen to a word you have to say! Now get the fuck out!" Jimin yells, facing away from the older 'cause he can't stand to look into those eyes a second longer. His heart's too weak for that.

"Jimin, please." Junghoon pleads.

Jimin folds his arms across his chest, breathing in deeply, and turns around slowly. He keeps his gaze down. "What?"

"It was just a one time thing, baby. I promise it won't happen again. I swear I wouldn't," Junghoon says. Jimin wants that to be true, he wants it to be true so bad.

"We both know that's a lie," He breathes out, the fight leaving his body to make way for grief and something akin to numbness.

Junghoon sighs, "Jimin, I..I didn't mean to. I'm just-," Junghoon pauses, runs a hand through his hair. If Jimin knows him even a bit, he knows it's not a good sign and he's too tired for whatever the hell is about to ensue.

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