~twenty three~

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Jimin is woken up with a start by a constant beeping noise. He opens his eyes just a fraction and tries to roll over, but is met with some difficulty. Sitting up, he glances around and finds out that he is in fact not in bed but a car instead. 

His mind reels for a moment before he recalls falling asleep in the car some hours ago. Jimin groans and rubs at his eyes. He supposes they didn't find a motel close by after all.

He comes back to earth when the beeping stops and a car door shuts, the one on the driver side. He fishes his phone out of his jacket, checking the time. 12:04 am.

Jimin sits up and looks out the window. His eyes are met with an empty street lit by the yellow street lights. He glances around the car to see the rest of the boys sleeping peacefully. 

Taehyung curled up on the passenger seat with his arms around himself. Seokjin next to Jimin with his head lolled to the left and Jungkook with his head against the window and a jacket covering his form. Yoongi must've stepped out of the car then, but he can't see him.

Jimin sighs and tries to go back to sleep. He's tired but sleep just won't come to him. So after a few minutes he gives up and pops open the door. He steps out, shutting the door as quietly as possible behind him. Jimin takes a moment to stretch his limbs before glancing around, looking for Yoongi. 

He finds him easily, sitting comfortably on the back of the car, an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips. 

Yoongi seems to be deep in his thoughts as he doesn't notice Jimin standing by the side. So the younger takes his time to study him. 

The older looks somewhat at peace, pale skin illuminated by the street lights, dressed head to toe in black attire, leather jacket hanging off one shoulder. Jimin suppresses a weird shudder, even taking himself by surprise. Has his friend always looked like this?

Jimin shakes his head, ridding himself of thoughts he can't even begin to understand. 

He clears his throat and steps closer, alerting the other of his presence. Yoongi whips his head to the side, eyes wide before they relax. He takes the unlit cigarette out of his mouth. 

"Why're you up?," asks Yoongi.

"I could ask you the same thing, darling," Jimin replies, running a hand through his hair.

Yoongi laughs softly, "We uh- decided to take turns sleeping 'cause we couldn't find a motel. So we could, you know, keep watch or something," he rubs the back of his neck, "In retrospect, that sounded more plausible back then than it does now."

Jimin grins, shaking his head, "You're right."

"You should go back to sleep, you don't look well rested," Yoongi says, sticking the cigarette back in his mouth.

Jimin sighs, looking around the area, finding nothing of significance. Just some inconspicuous stores here and there and a car parked across the street from them. "Tried to. But couldn't."

Yoongi just hums and wordlessly scoots to the side. Jimin smiles and sits up on the closed trunk next to the older. It's dead quiet. He thinks they might be in the lesser crowded of towns at the moment. If he remembers correctly from the map he studied on Seokjin's phone, there might be a more lively town hosting a fair ahead of them.

The two sit in silence for a while. Yoongi takes out a lighter and flicks it, watching the flame for a while, before lighting the cigarette. "This's my last one," he says around it, "Should've gotten a new pack from the store."

Jimin hums, "If you don't mind me asking, why do you smoke?," he asks.

Yoongi shrugs, "I dunno. To calm my nerves, I guess," he says offhandedly, vaguely.

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